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Music Courses Online

Piano Teachers Berlin
Piano Courses Online


Piano Experience

Teacher: Marcos Moguilevsky (Berlin / Online)

Speaks Spanish, English, Portuguese

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KLAVIERUNTERRICHT in Kreuzberg Hallo, mein Name ist Marcos Moguilevsky, ich bin ein argentinischer Pianist und Komponist. Ich biete Klavierunterricht an (online oder persönlich) Daran können wir arbeiten: - Jazzpiano, Improvisation, Harmonie, Solotranskriptionen. - Klassisches Repertoire und Technik

PIANO LESSONS in Kreuzberg
Hi, my name is Marcos Moguilevsky , I'm an argentinian pianist and composer.
I'm offering Piano Lessons (online or face-to-face)
We can work on:
- Jazz Piano, Improvisation, Harmony, Solo Transcriptions. Classical repertoire and technique.Rock songs and arrangements

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I have been a piano teacher for more than 15 years, as well as being a professional musician and sessionist.

My teaching is based on the technical formulas of the master Vicenzo Scaramuzza, which develop the virtuosity of the instrument and the perfect relaxation of the body when playing.

Classes can be for people who are just starting out or for intermediate and advanced musician

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€40.00 [~$42.74]
2 students€35.00 [~$37.40]
3 students or more€30.00 [~$32.06]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 25% Off!
Guitar Teachers Berlin
Guitar Courses Online



Teacher: Josué Barquero (Berlin / Online)

Speaks Spanish, English, German

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Nutzung und Verständnis des kompletten Mastes
Viele Musikrichtungen

Use and understanding of the complete mast
Many musical genres

Uso y entendimiento del mástil completo
Muchos géneros musicales

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Aus meiner Erfahrung stellt meine Methode sicher, dass Sie die Funktionsweise von Musik gut verstehen, um sie nach Belieben auf dem Instrument anwenden zu können.

From my experience, my method ensures that you understand well how music works so that you can use it at will on the instrument.
Por mi experiencia, mi método se encarga de que entiendas bien como funciona la música para en el instrumento poder usarlo al antojo.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€18.00 [~$19.23]
2 students€14.00 [~$14.96]
3 students or more€10.00 [~$10.69]
Music Teachers Berlin
Music Courses Online

Lass deinen musikalischen Verstand los!

Unleash your musical mind! Learn to write Music!

Teacher: Gavin Taylor (Berlin / Online)

Speaks English

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- Du wirst lernen zu schreiben, was in musikalischen Ideen in deinem Kopf steckt
- Sie werden lernen, Noten zu schreiben, was das Lesen von Musik wesentlich umfassender macht
- Du wirst lernen, die Musik zu verstehen
- Sie werden lernen, Ihre Stimme oder Ihre innere Stimme musikalisch zu verwend

- You will learn to write whats in musical ideas that are in your head.
- You will learn to write music notation, this will make reading music far more comprehensive.
- You will learn to comprehend the music.
- You will learn to use you voice or inner musical Voice.

For now all lessons will be in English - Vorerst werden alle Lektionen auf Englisch abgehalten.

+ More

I Have develop a teaching method that can quickly develop a complete beginner with no musical experience to be able to write music without even needing an instrument. Though every individual has a varied aptitude to the process, my system allows for development appropriate to that students abilities.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€25.00 [~$26.72]
2 students€18.50 [~$19.77]
3 students or more€16.50 [~$17.63]
Piano Teachers Berlin
Piano Courses Online

Klavierunterricht Online

Piano Lessons Online

Teacher: Joshua Tindall (Berlin / Online)

Speaks English

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Sie möchten lernen, wie man Klavier spielt, haben aber einen vollen Stundenplan oder einfach keine englischsprachigen Klavierlehrer in Ihrer Nähe? Suchen Sie nicht weiter! Ich bin ein in Deutschland lebender australischer Musiklehrer, der Klavierunterricht per Videoanruf anbietet.

Wanting to learn how to play the piano but have a full schedule or simply no English speaking piano teachers in your area? Look no further! I'm an Australian music teacher living in Germany who's been teaching since 2014 in various countries. Thought about trying piano lessons via video call?

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Whether you're preparing for exams or want to learn for fun, I focus on teaching the skills needed to help you play anything you want rather than teaching song by song. Using methods such as Wunderkeys provides students with a fun and engaging way to learn piano by concentrating on the skills they need to play along to their favourite songs and have the confidence to play (and sing) with their friends and family.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€60.00 [~$64.12]
2 students€50.00 [~$53.43]
3 students or more€40.00 [~$42.74]
Guitar Teachers Berlin
Guitar Courses Online

Dobro (Square Neck) - Slide-Gitarre - Lap-Steal

Dobro (Square Neck) - Slide Guitar - Lap-steal

Teacher: Gavin Taylor (Berlin / Online)

Speaks English

Course details | Register

Ich biete Dobro-Unterricht (eigentlich Resonophonic Square Neck Guitar genannt) an und spiele seit fast 34 Jahren Musik. Ich unterrichte seit 15 Jahren erfolgreich Schüler in verschiedenen Folienstilen und -instrumenten.

I provide Dobro (its actually called a Resonophonic Square Neck Guitar) lessons, I have been playing music for nearly 34 years. I have been successfully teaching students a variety of slide styles and instruments for 15 years.

For now all lessons will be in English - Vorerst werden alle Lektionen auf Englisch abgehalten

+ More

I Have develop a teaching method that can quickly develop a complete beginner with no musical experience to be able to Play Dobro. Though every individual has a varied aptitude to the process, my system allows for development appropriate to that students abilities.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€45.00 [~$48.09]
2 students€35.00 [~$37.40]
3 students or more€20.00 [~$21.37]
Piano Teachers Berlin
Piano Courses Online

Klavierunterricht in Berlin. Lerne zu improvisiere

Piano lessons in Berlin. Learn to improvise!

Teacher: Dominic Spiteri (Berlin / Online)

Speaks English, German

Course details | Register

Interessiert, Klavier zu lernen?

Vielleicht sind Sie ein kompletter Anfänger, oder vielleicht wissen Sie bereits viel und möchten Ihre Fähigkeiten mit etwas Anleitung und Verantwortung erweitern. Ich teile mein Wissen gerne mit jedem. Alle Altersgruppen und Könnensstufen sind willkommen!

Interested in learning piano?
Or improving your songwriting or producing?

Maybe you are a complete beginner, or maybe you already know a lot and you’d like to expand your skills with some guidance and accountability. I am happy to share what I know with anyone. All ages & skill levels are welcom

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Lessons can include:
Learning songs & how to practice effectively
Understanding harmony and music theory
Playing by ear and listening skills
Scales, exercises, and proper technique
Chord voicings & harmonic wizardry
How to improvise
and more =)

I like to give my students the tools to teach themselves and I believe learning music can be fun and engaging, even when beginning.

I'll ask, 'what do you want to be able to do with the piano?' And then I can help you make a practice plan.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€39.00 [~$41.68]
2 students€38.00 [~$40.61]
3 students or more€37.00 [~$39.54]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 75% Off!
Piano Teachers Bordeaux
Piano Courses Online

Eveil musical

Teacher: sabine lassal (Bordeaux / Online)

Speaks French, Spanish, Italian

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Découverte des notes, rythmes, instruments....
Chants (chansons enfantines...), piano, etc

Iniziazione alla musica, scoprirai la musica, canti, suoni il pianoforte, etc, è giocoso...
Puoi stare da solo o con i tuoi amici... All' inizio, stare solo e dopo formare uno gruppo con altre bambini, o con i tuoi amici, per esempio.

Iniciación a la música. descubres la música , los instrumentos, cantas, tocas del piano, etc. Es divertido...
Puedes estar solo o con amigos... Al principio, estar solo y después, podemos hacer un grupo con otros niños o con tus amigos, por ejemplo.

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il est différent par l approche, le contenu... on s'amuse ...mais on apprend quand meme ... bref, on rigole ... c'est sérieux quand meme...
Selon le pays, j aurais des methodes éditéees dans la langue ... mais aussi d'autres que j adapterai ou saurait transmettre en traduisant... J ai beaucoup d'élèves de cultures ou nationalités différentes donc je sais m'adapter...

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€15.00 [~$16.03]
2 students€10.00 [~$10.69]
3 students or more€7.00 [~$7.48]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 75% Off!
Piano Teachers Bordeaux
Piano Courses Online


Teacher: sabine lassal (Bordeaux / Online)

Speaks French, Spanish, Italian

Course details | Register

Cours Eveil musical, Piano, Orgue, /
Cours pour tous, tous niveaux, tous ages/
Cours adaptés selon le profil,age, le pays /
Solfège, téorie musicale , harmonie

iniziazione alla musica, Corsi di piano, Organo/
Corsi per tutti, tutti i livelli, tutte l'étà/
Corsi adaptatti secondo il profilo, l'età, il paese/
Solfeggio, teoria musicale, armonia

Iniciasion a la musicà, Cursos de piano, del organo /
Cursos para todos, todos los nivellos todos edades/
Cursos adaptados segun el perfil, la edad, el pais/
Solfeo, teoria musicàl, armonia

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No lo sé... quizas he agitado mucho ...No me detengo en la opinion de la gente... Si hubiera escuchado a todo el mundo, no estaria aqui ...ho fatto molto...non mi sono sull'opinione della gente ... se avessi ascoltato tutti , non serei aqui...La musica è la lingua del cuore musicà es la lengua del corazon... A meditare ...A meditar ...

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€15.00 [~$16.03]
2 students€10.00 [~$10.69]
3 students or more€7.00 [~$7.48]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 75% Off!
Viola Teachers Berlin
Viola Courses Online

Bratschenunterricht, Mittel-Fortgeschrittene

Viola lessons, intermediate-advanced

Teacher: Toby Cook (Berlin / Online)

Speaks English, Russian, French

Course details | Register

Über mich:

Ich heiße Toby und bin ein professioneller Bratschen- und Geigenlehrer in Berlin. Ich unterrichte seit über 10 Jahren Schüler aller Niveaus und unterrichte auf Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch und Französisch - bei den Studenten, bei mir oder online.

About me:

I'm Toby and I am a professional viola and violin teacher based in Berlin. I have taught students of all levels for over 10 years and teach in English, German, Russian and French - at students' location, my location or online.

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Neben regelmäßigem Instrumentalunterricht und Ensemble-Coaching für alle Altersgruppen und Niveaus habe ich zahlreiche professionelle Workshops geleitet, darunter 'Music First' und 'Music Masters' in London, und war Dozentin beim Primary Arpeggione Viola Course und Springgrove Music Competition. Ich begleite regelmäßig Schüler am Klavier und bereite sie auf musikalische und akademische Prüfungen auf allen Ebenen vor, einschließlich Musiktheorie, Gehörbildung und Blattspiel.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€35.00 [~$37.40]
2 students€35.00 [~$37.40]
3 students or more€35.00 [~$37.40]
Violin Teachers Berlin
Violin Courses Online

Geigenunterricht, Mittel-Fortgeschrittene

Violin lessons, intermediate-advanced

Teacher: Toby Cook (Berlin / Online)

Speaks English, Russian, French

Course details | Register

Über mich:

Ich heiße Toby und bin ein professioneller Geigen- und Bratschenlehrer in Berlin. Ich unterrichte seit über 10 Jahren Schüler aller Niveaus und unterrichte auf Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch und Französisch - bei den Studenten, bei mir oder online.

About me:

I'm Toby and I am a professional violin and viola teacher based in Berlin. I have taught students of all levels for over 10 years and teach in English, German, Russian and French - at students' location, my location or online.

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Neben regelmäßigem Instrumentalunterricht und Ensemble-Coaching für alle Altersgruppen und Niveaus habe ich zahlreiche professionelle Workshops geleitet, darunter 'Music First' und 'Music Masters' in London, und war Dozentin beim Primary Arpeggione Viola Course und Springgrove Music Competition. Ich begleite regelmäßig Schüler am Klavier und bereite sie auf musikalische und akademische Prüfungen auf allen Ebenen vor, einschließlich Musiktheorie, Gehörbildung und Blattspiel.

Virtual classroom
Virtual classroom

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€35.00 [~$37.40]
2 students€35.00 [~$37.40]
3 students or more€35.00 [~$37.40]

The best Music Courses with qualified teachers

  • Private and semi-private Music classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop, or online.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings, nights and weekends.
  • Our Music Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Payment methods

Pay with a credit card or with PayPal

* Your funds can be used for any course, with any teacher.

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