Teacher from Mexico. Speaks German, English, Italian.Mein Kurs wurde für Kandidaten entwickelt, die sich auf die IELTS-Prüfung (International English Language Testing System) vorbereiten. Praktischer Kurs kombiniert mit Integralem COACHING und NLP
My course has been developed for candidates preparing for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. Practical course combined with Integral COACHING and NLP
Mi curso ha sido desarrollado para los candidatos que se preparan para la el examen del 'International English Language Testing System' (IELTS). Curso práctico combinado con COACHING Integral y PNL
Spezieller Kurs, der darauf abzielt, deine Verständnisfähigkeiten zu bewerten, damit du in der Lage bist, schriftliche und gesprochene Sprache in einem Bildungskontext zu produzieren, der in verschiedenen Institutionen in englischsprachigen Ländern verwendet wird. Der Kurs wird dir auch Werkzeuge an die Hand geben, die es dir ermöglichen, mit Selbstvertrauen zu kommunizieren.
Lessons in person or online:
Hourly rates (CHF CHF / USD $)
CHF75.00 [~$84.69] | |
CHF70.00 [~$79.05] | |
CHF65.00 [~$73.40] |
Business English
Teacher from Mexico. Speaks German, English, Italian.Du lernst besser, weil wir alle deine persönlichen Ressourcen, Werkzeuge und Techniken nutzen, die dich ermutigen und deine Motivation für deine persönlichen Ziele beim Erlernen einer neuen Sprache, beim Fitwerden und beim Erreichen deiner Ziele steigern werden.
Aprendes mejor pues hacemos uso de todos tus recursos personales, herramientas y técnicas, que te animarán y aumentarán tu motivación hacia tus objetivos personales en el aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma, poniéndote en forma y alcanzando tus metas.
Imparate meglio perché utilizziamo tutte le vostre risorse personali, gli strumenti e le tecniche, che vi incoraggeranno e aumenteranno la vostra motivazione verso i vostri obiettivi personali nell'apprendimento di una nuova lingua, nel rimettervi in forma e nel raggiungere i vostri obiettivi.
Ich werde all meine Ressourcen und mein Wissen einsetzen, um dich zu motivieren und dir den Weg an die Spitze deines eigenen Lebens zu erleichtern.
Lessons in person or online:
Hourly rates (CHF CHF / USD $)
CHF75.00 [~$84.69] | |
CHF70.00 [~$79.05] | |
CHF65.00 [~$73.40] |
Great teacher!MS, Montreal
Leeann Downes est une très bonne professeure d'anglais. Nous voulions apprendre et pratiquer l'anglais tout en s'amusant et c'est ce qui s'est passé. Les exercices sont simples, pratiques et fun et la prof a une belle énergie et maîtrise bien ce qu'elle enseigne, le tout dans la bonne humeur tout en étant relax. J'ai beaucoup aimé le cours que j'ai eu et mon mari ainsi que mon père l'on apprécié tout autant que moi, tellement que nous voulons prendre d'autres cours. Je recommande cette professeure à tous ceux qui veulent apprendre l'anglais tout en passant un bon moment.ER, Montreal
Leeann classes are fun and engaging. She carefully balances the course content according to the needs of the student. Each class could be a mix of interactive games, open discussions and serious reading. I had six classes with her and you can never guess what exciting and fun stuff will come next. I highly recommend her for qualitative one-on-one tutoring. AM, Montreal
Good teacher!MD, Montreal
Bryna was awesome and very helpful. We had a great session :-)IB, Vancouver
Excellent teacher!VA, Montreal
She is best!JR, Caguas
Le professeur Nikolas est très compétent et c'est aussi quelqu'un de très intéressant. Je suis très satisfaite de mes cours avec lui!MC, Montreal
Why learn English? Just after Mandarin and Spanish, English is the third most common native language in the world and it is definitely the most learned second language. English is today's world's lingua franca. Many occupations and professions require at least working knowledge of the language, as it has become the most widely used language in international publications, international trade, telecommunications, entertainment and diplomacy.
How hard is it to learn English compared to other languages? It depends, of course, on the languages you speak already. The most difficult aspects of learning English are the vast vocabulary, the differences between spelling and pronunciation, the subtleties of grammar and the different ways it is used around the world.
Our private English teachers
If you are interested in learning English with a qualified English teacher, give our English courses a try. Our teachers will provide you with a highly personalized learning experience and will adapt their teaching methods to your needs and objectives. Whether you want to take your classes online or in person, whether you prefer to study alone or form a small group, our English teachers can accommodate your requirements, your preferences and your busy schedule.
Why learn English with Multi-Language Cafe?
Attending a regular language school may not be the most efficient way to learn English if you are in one of the following situations: you are quite busy and your schedule can change from week to week, you would like to study at your own pace, you need to contact the teacher frequently to ask questions or advice, you enjoy studying remotely via the internet or in the comfort of your home, you dislike classrooms and you prefer to take your lessons in more interesting locations.
If you want to start learning English immediately, if you like the idea of flexible locations, if you would like to follow a flexible schedule, and if you prefer private or semi-private classes, consult our list of English courses. We are always here to help you find the right teachers, register for their courses and book each one of your classes in their calendars.