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Learn Arabic
Teacher: Eman Yusus (Alexandria / Online)
Teacher from Egypt. Speaks Arab, English.تعلم اللغة العربية بطريقة سهلة وبسيطة تعتمد على المحادثة لاكتساب الكلمات والافعال الجديدة المستخدمة فى الحياة اليومية
Learn important aspects of the Arabic language, including the Arabic alphabet, pronunciation, and basic vocabulary.
this course depend on daily situations are using in Arab world to get new words , verbs and how can you create sentences.
I'm native Arabic speaker.I have work experience in teaching Arabic and Quran in many centers and schools in Egypt and online too through many websites.
I use text book and extra authentic materials: videos, flash cards I use attractive tools to make interactive environment helping in learning in easy way.
Lessons in person or online:
Easy Arabic
Teacher from Tunisia. Speaks French, English, Arab.Méthode conviviale et très simple pour apprendre une base de communication avec la la langue arabe. C'est aussi une ouverture sur la culture qui vous permet de voyager, d'étudier, de travailler ou même de vivre dans un pays arabe (y en a 22) ou juste de communiquer avec vos amis parlant arabe.
Easy mthod to learn basic communication with the Arabic language, with an opening on the culture that allows you to travel, study, work or even live in an Arab country (there are 23) or just be able to communicate with friends who speak Arabic.
مرحبًا بكم٠٠٠٠طريقة سريعة و سهلة لتعلّم العربية
Apprivoiser la tonalité - maitriser la musique de la langue - dompter les difficultés - opter pour structure linguistique simplifiée...ensuite, parler...parler...parler...
Patient et encourageant, le cours est très agréable!SD, Montreal
Lessons in person or online:
Hourly rates (CAD $ / USD $)
$30.00 [~$20.85] | |
$25.00 [~$17.37] | |
$20.00 [~$13.90] |
Culture, Arabic language, Amazigh, Darija
Teacher from Spain. Speaks Arab, Spanish, Catalan.Soy profesor licenciado en literatura árabe en la universidad Mohamamd I en Oujda en Marruecos, título de la lengua árabe nivel avanzado por escuela oficial de idiomas en Drassanas Barcelona, con experiencia de más de 15 años de enseñanza
I am a teacher with a degree in Arabic literature from the Mohamed I University in Oujda in Morocco, with an advanced level Arabic language degree from the official language school in Drassanas Barcelona, with more than 15 years of teaching experience.
أنا أستاذ حاصل على إجازة في الأدب العربي بجامعة محمد الأول بوجدة بالمغرب، حاصل على إجازة في اللغة العربية من المستوى المتقدم من مدرسة اللغات الرسمية في دراساناس برشلونة، ولدي خبرة في التدريس تزيد عن 15 عامًا.
-clases de conversación
-clases de cultura árabe; literatura, historia y pensamiento oriental
-clases de repaso; preparación de exámenes de la escuela oficial de idiomas, universidad e institutos y ayuda en los deberes (comprensión).
-Para Todos los niveles de árabe; principiantes y para aquellos que desean perfeccionar su nivel
-clases particulares o para grupos
Lessons in person or online:
Learn Arabic for all in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Teacher: Samir Iranee (Frankfurt am Main / Online)
Teacher from Germany. Speaks Arab, German, Hebrew.Samir L. Iranee, Dipl.-Betriebswirt / MBA سميرلطفي ايراني
Arabisch lernen und Arabien verstehen. Ahlan wa Sahlan bikum! Herzlich willkommen! ... bei Iranee Sprachtraining & Interkulturelles Coaching (Arabischkurse & Arabientraining) in Frankfurt am Main.
Iranee - Your Guide to Arabia. Learn Arabi!
سميرايراني محاضرجامعي
أعزائي الزوار، يسرني أن أرحب بكم إلى الموقع الالكتروني
تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها
فهم الثقافة العربية والاسلامية
اهلا وسهلا بكم في صفحتنا
Arabic for all levels – Arabia and Middle East & North Africa Business Culture Training
Business Arabic & Arab Business Culture Coaching
Private Lessons + Group Courses + Corporate Group Instruction
Writing + Reading + Conversation
Beginners – Intermediate – Advanced
Class size & one-to-one
Arabic native (BA Business Adminstration – MBA in International Management Consulting) experienced lecturer at the JWG-University offers in Frankfurt / Main and Germanywide as well as in Oman / UAE & Dubai Arabic language courses (colloquial, media, business and Khaliji / Egyptian Arabic) for all levels. Further we provide courses on Arabic culture, politics and doing business in the Middle East / Arab countries as well as Intercultural training for Arab World and Islamic Region.
Lessons in person or online:
Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)
€45.00 [~$46.10] | |
€40.00 [~$40.98] | |
€35.00 [~$35.86] |
We will find a tutor for you.