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Other courses:
Teacher: Lavinia Fontenele (Sao Paulo)
Teacher from Brazil. Speaks English, Portuguese, Spanish.Aulas semanais ou com frequencia determinada pelo aluno.
Material estruturado através de livros didáticos, gramáticas, textos, entre outros. Foco inicial em conversação.
Opção de Inglês para Negócios
Aulas totalmente ministradas em inglês
Avaliações trimestrais
Clases semanales o con la frecuencia deseada por el estudiante
Material estruturado con libros didacticos, gramaticas, textos y otros. Enfoque incila en conversación.
Opción de inglés para negocios.
Clases dadas en inglés
Evaluación a cada 3 meses
Aulas extremante individualizadas inserindo os interesses do aluno como parte fundamental da aula, seja através de discussões estruturadas ou materiais específicos. Foco inicial em conversação para que o aluno comece a adquirir desenvoltura na língua
Lessons in person:
Hourly rates (BRL R$ / USD $)
R$100.00 [~$16.44] | |
R$75.00 [~$12.33] | |
R$65.00 [~$10.69] |
Teacher from Greece. Speaks English, French, Spanish.The class consists of a small grammar lesson and conversation, depending on the student's needs. Also, i choose topics depending on the student's interests. Homework is provided (optional but encouraged).
I like to have a fun teaching approach. I want to make sure that my students are not only learning English, but are enjoying the topics that are being discussed/taught. I want my students to be in control of what they are learning.
Lessons in person or online:
Hourly rates (CAD $ / USD $)
$40.00 [~$27.79] | |
$35.00 [~$24.32] | |
$29.00 [~$20.15] |
English Pronunciation (American/UK/Australian)
Speaks English英語の発音を改善する!
This is NOT a conversation course.
I will help you focus on sounding natural when speaking English! I will distinguish between different American accents, standard UK accent, and standard Australian accents.
Taught by a Certified Voice Teacher and professional Stage Manager.
For speeches, performance, competition, business meeting, etc, I will correct your intonation, and teach you how to change the way you move the muscles in your mouth to make more natural sounds in English!
IELTS、TOEIC、TOEFL、英検、CEFRなどの試験対策は、"2名 "でレッスンを予約してください。
For IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, Eiken, CEFR of other test prep, please book a lesson as "2 students."
直前・当日のご予約は、"3人以上 "でご予約ください。
For last-minute or same-day lessons, please book as "3+ students."
レヴュー遅くなりすみません。レッスンありがとうございました!!とても信頼できて良い先生が見つかって嬉しいです!Kiyo, Paris
Lessons in person or online:
Hourly rates (JPY ¥ / USD $)
¥4,000 [~$25.35] | |
¥4,000 [~$25.35] | |
¥4,000 [~$25.35] |
Cultural Communication/More than Language lessons
Teacher from United States. Speaks Italian, Spanish.Maria Procaccino is a skilled consultant, and business communication and transition coach for international business people and professionals as well as an English language course developer; her progressive approach to English language training and communication coaching distinguishes her from other
Consultor experto de comunicación de negocios y entrenador de transición para las personas y los profesionales de los negocios internacionales, así como un desarrollador de cursos de idioma inglés; su acercamiento progresivo a la enseñanza de idiomas y la comunicación como profesor de inglés.
Maria Procaccino is a skilled consultant, and business communication and transition coach for international business people and professionals as well as an English language course developer; her progressive approach to English language training and communication coaching distinguishes her from other providers. Maria provides an unparalleled training experience, stressing content and language integrated learning methods, industry specific, learning needs and goals of international professionals.
Very good!Myra, Carolina
Lessons in person or online:
We will find a tutor for you.