Indonesian Conversation Class
Teacher from Indonesia. Speaks English, Indonesian.Kelas Percakapan dibuat untuk orang-orang yang sudah pernah belajar bahasa Indonesia tetapi mau tetap berbicara bahasa Indonesia meskipun berada di negaranya. Untuk mengasah kemampuan berbicara bahasa indonesia, supaya tidak lupa dengan Bahasa Indonesia.
Conversation Class are made for people who have studied Indonesian before but want to keep speaking Indonesian even though they are in their country, so they not forget Indonesian language.
We can share our activities and every class we will have a different topic to share or discuss.
Lessons in person or online:
Beginner Course
Teacher from Indonesia. Speaks English, Indonesian.Kelas Bahasa Indonesia untuk pemula. Belajar dari basic, mulai dari abjad, bagaimana mengucapkan salam, bertanya dalam Bahasa indonesia, belajar angka, belajar menawar, belajar tentang arah, lingkungan sekitar. Yang pasti relajar tengan cara yang menyenangkan
Indonesian class for beginners. Learn from the basics, starting from the alphabet, how to say greetings, ask questions in Indonesian, learn numbers, learn to bargain, learn about directions, the surrounding environment. What is certain is learning in a fun way
Learn to use words that are easy to understand, starting from the surrounding environment. Offline beginner class, at the end of the class we can go to a cafe or market to practice speaking Indonesian. For online classes, at the end of the class I will bring guests who can only speak Indonesian for your Indonesian practice.
Lessons in person or online:
Your Indonesian proficiency level will be evaluated by the teacher according to this framework:
A1 - Beginner:
A2 - Elementary:
B1 - Intermediate:
B2 - Independent:
C1 - Advanced:
C2 - Proficient: