Introduction to Digital Photography
Teacher: Silvana Gonzalez (Buenos Aires / Online)
Speaks Spanish, English¿Cómo funciona una cámara? Comportamiento de la luz. Cámara oscura
Tipos de cámaras. Diferencia entre cámaras analógicas y digitales. Variables fotográficas: velocidad de obturación,diafragma , ISO, distancia focal, profundidad de campo, balance de blancos. Objetivos. Composición. Revelado digital.
How does a camera work? Behavior of light. Dark camera.
Types of cameras. Difference between analog and digital cameras. Photographic variables: shutter speed, aperture, ISO, focal length, depth of field, white balance. Objective. Composition, digital files and development.
Este es un curso práctico y teórico. Aprenderás todos los aspectos técnicos y los pondrás en práctica desde la primera clase. El objetivo es que puedas usar estas habilidades para tu propio proceso creativo.
Al final de las lecciones haremos una caminata fotográfica para que puedas unir todos los conocimientos y divertirte experimentando.
Lessons in person or online:
Buenos Aires is the second largest metropolitan area in South-America. It is one of the most visited cities in Latin America and boasts one of the region's best standards of living.
Buenos Aires hosts multiple ethnic and religions groups. Also, thanks mainly to sustained immigration in the last 150 years, several languages are spoken in the city besides Spanish. Traditionally immigration has originated in Italy and Spain, however other European countries have contributed significant numbers: Scotland, Norway, France, Poland, Portugal, Greece, Holland and Russia being among the most important, while immigration from Latin America originates mainly in Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru and Chile. Additionally, in recent years, immigration from Asia has increased considerably, originating mainly in Taiwan, China, Japan and Korea.