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Russian Courses : Belgorod, Russia

Russian Teachers Belgorod
Russian Courses in Belgorod / Online

Общий курс

General course

Teacher: Victoria Herring (Belgorod / Online)

RUTeacher from Russia. Speaks English.

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Общий курс русского языка предполагает обучение говорению, чтению, письму и аудированию, в зависимости от целей каждого студента.

The general Russian language course involves teaching speaking, reading, writing and listening, depending on the goals of each student.

I make an individual training program for each student depending on his goals and interests. In the learning process, I use a variety of materials, such as textbooks, workbooks, articles, presentations, reading books, interactive games, infographics and others.

Lessons in person or online:

(Virtual classroom, Zoom)

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Hourly rates (RUB ₽ / USD $)

1 student₽1,150.00 [~$20.07]
2 students₽800.00 [~$13.96]
3 students or more₽600.00 [~$10.47]
Russian Courses
Trial Class 75% Off!
Russian Teachers Belgorod
Russian Courses in Belgorod / Online

Подготовка к сдаче экзаменов по русскому языку

Preparation for passing Russian language exams

Teacher: Victoria Herring (Belgorod / Online)

RUTeacher from Russia. Speaks English.

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Подготовка ко всем видам экзаменов по русскому языку: экзамен по русскому языку, истории и законодательству, ТРКИ

Preparation for the all kinds of Russian language exams:examination in the Russian language, Russian history and Fundamentals of Russian Federation legislation, TORFL.

In this course, i am preparing for the all kinds of Russian language exams, using samples of the exams, additional materials.

Lessons in person or online:

(Virtual classroom, Zoom)

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Hourly rates (RUB ₽ / USD $)

1 student₽2,200.00 [~$38.39]
2 students₽2,000.00 [~$34.90]
3 students or more₽1,500.00 [~$26.17]
Russian Courses
Trial Class 75% Off!
Russian Teachers Belgorod
Russian Courses in Belgorod / Online

Бизнес курс

Business course

Teacher: Victoria Herring (Belgorod / Online)

RUTeacher from Russia. Speaks English.

Course details | Register

Для студентов всех уровней обучения. Программа формируется по запросу студента, в зависимости от его целей. На наших уроках мы можем научиться специфике переговоров с русскими партнерами, деловому этикету, правилами написания деловых писем, навыкам выступлений в бизнес среде и многому другому.

For students of all levels of study. The program is formed at the request of the student, depending on his goals. In our lessons, we can learn the specifics of negotiations with Russian partners, business etiquette, rules for writing business letters, skills of speaking in the business environment.

Pour les étudiants de tous les niveaux d'études. Le programme est formé à la demande de l'étudiant, en fonction de ses objectifs. Dans nos leçons, nous pouvons apprendre les détails des négociations avec les partenaires russes, l'étiquette commerciale, les règles pour écrire des lettres d'affaires

Я создаю индивидуальную программу бизнес курса для каждого ученика, в зависимости от его целей и предпочтений.
I create an individual business course program for each student, depending on their goals and preferences.

Lessons in person or online:

(Virtual classroom, Zoom)

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Hourly rates (RUB ₽ / USD $)

1 student₽2,000.00 [~$34.90]
2 students₽1,500.00 [~$26.17]
3 students or more₽1,200.00 [~$20.94]
Russian Courses
Trial Class 75% Off!


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Find the best Russian Course in Belgorod

  • Private and semi-private Russian classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop, or online.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings, nights and weekends.
  • Our Russian Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Payment methods

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* Your funds can be used for any course, with any teacher.

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What students are saying:

Elena is patient, good at identifying shortcomings in students and adapts well to fill those gaps. Under her tutelage, I have progressed significantly in a relatively short time, and have learned about Russian history and culture in the process!CM, Montreal

Excellent teacher, I recommend taking Russian classes with her.YM, Montreal

Classes with Natalia are really interesting! She's always on time and always arrives well-prepared with plenty of different materials. She's a really good teacher and knows how to adapt to your level and your learning speed.QD, Montreal

Listens closely and corrects mistakes. Provides interesting materials for reading practice and discussions. Lets me complete sentences before correcting. Good lessons.CB, Washington DC

Teacher is always punctual, prepared and prepares interesting lessons. CB, Washington DC

Elena is an amazing teacher. She is patient, well prepared, speaks very clearly and uses examples with the student's fields of interests making it easier to understand and relate to. I highly recommend her for both beginner or advanced students.JB, Montreal

Excellente professeure et les classes sont très bien structurées!JM, Montreal

Excellent course. Very dynamic. Will keep going.BE, Montreal


Why learn Russian? Besides the Russian Federation, Russian is widely spoken in 16 countries in Eastern Europe, where it is often learnt as a second language. Russia is the largest nation in the world and the 9th most populated country, so you will have plenty of opportunities to practice the language. In addition, Russia is an important player in the world's economic and political spheres, being one of the largest producers of oil and other minerals, as well as a prominent space explorer! Russia boasts a rich culture and long-standing traditions that have manifested themselves in the form brilliant artistic masterpieces.

How hard is it to learn Russian compared to other languages? The Cyrillic alphabet might look intimidating at first glance, but it consists of only 33 characters that are easy to learn, so you should't let that put you off. Also, contrary to English or French, the pronunciation of Russian is simple and regular.

Our private Russian teachers

If you are interested in learning Russian with a qualified teacher, give our Russian courses a try. Our teachers will provide you with a highly personalized learning experience and will adapt their teaching methods to your needs and objectives. Whether you want to take your classes online or in person, we have a Russian teacher for you. Whether you prefer to study alone or form a small group, our Russian teachers can accommodate your preferences and schedule.

Why learn Russian with Multi-Language Cafe?

Attending a regular language school may not be the most efficient way to learn Russian if you are quite busy and your schedule can change from week to week. If you would like to study at your own pace and you need to contact the teacher frequently to ask questions or advice, our Russian courses are better suited for you. Register for our courses and you will be able to study remotely via the internet, in the comfort of your home, or at a library or coffee shop near you.

You need to start learning Russian immediately? If you like the idea of a flexible schedule and flexible locations, and if you prefer private or semi-private classes, consult our list of Russian courses. We are always here to help you find the right teachers, register for their courses and book each one of your classes in their calendars.