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Spanish Courses : Zurich, Switzerland

Spanish Teachers Zurich
Spanish Courses in Zurich / Online

Business Spanish

Business Spanish

Teacher: Ellie Rojas-Baumann (Zurich / Online)

MXTeacher from Mexico. Speaks German, English, Italian.

Course details | Register

Der Business-Spanischkurs bietet eine flexible Möglichkeit Vokabeln, Wortschatz, Redewendungen und Verhaltensregeln im wirtschaftlichen Kontext zu erlernen. Erweitere deinen Horizont und lerne wie man Geschäfte in spanischsprechenden Ländern abwickelt.

The Business Spanish course offers a flexible way to learn vocabulary, expressions and rules of behaviour in a business context. Broaden your horizons and learn how to do business in Spanish-speaking countries.

Il corso di spagnolo commerciale offre un modo flessibile per imparare il vocabolario, le espressioni e le regole di comportamento in un contesto commerciale. Ampliate i vostri orizzonti e imparate a fare affari nei paesi di lingua spagnola.

Meine Sprachkurse sind alle individuell und exklusiv gestaltet und ich unterrichte mit Coaching- und NLP-Methoden.
Du lernst besser, weil wir alle deine persönlichen Ressourcen, Werkzeuge und Techniken nutzen, die dich ermutigen und deine Motivation für deine persönlichen Ziele beim Erlernen einer neuen Sprache und beim Erreichen deiner Ziele steigern werden.

Lessons in person or online:

Sonnenbergstrasse, 8032 Zürich, Switzerland
In a public place
(FaceTime, WhatsApp)

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Hourly rates (CHF CHF / USD $)

1 studentCHF60.00 [~$68.29]
2 studentsCHF55.00 [~$62.60]
3 students or moreCHF50.00 [~$56.91]
Spanish Teachers Zurich
Spanish Courses in Zurich / Online



Teacher: Ellie Rojas-Baumann (Zurich / Online)

MXTeacher from Mexico. Speaks German, English, Italian.

Course details | Register

Die spanische Sprache, ja! aber aus einem anderen Blickwinkel; keine langweiligen Bücher und Methoden mehr! Profitiere von einer dynamischen, unterhaltsamen und effektiven Methode, die Sprachgrammatik mit Coaching und Neurolinguistischem Programmieren kombiniert.

Spanish language, yes! but from a different point of view; no more boring books and methods! Take advantage of a dynamic, fun and effective method, which combines language grammar with coaching and Neurolinguistic Programming tools.

Lo spagnolo, sì, ma da un punto di vista diverso: basta con i libri e i metodi noiosi! Approfittate di un metodo dinamico, divertente ed efficace, che combina la grammatica della lingua con il coaching e gli strumenti della Programmazione Neurolinguistica.

Ich bin eine Sprachlehrerin mit langjähriger Unterrichtserfahrung. Durch die Beherrschung mehrerer Sprachen habe ich eine andere, individuelle Lerntechnik entwickelt, denn meine eigenen Erfahrungen beim Sprachenlernen haben mich zu einem Experten im Sprachunterricht gemacht.

Lessons in person or online:

Sonnenbergstrasse, 8032 Zürich, Switzerland
In a public place
(FaceTime, WhatsApp)

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Hourly rates (CHF CHF / USD $)

1 studentCHF59.00 [~$67.15]
2 studentsCHF55.00 [~$62.60]
3 students or moreCHF50.00 [~$56.91]


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Find the best Spanish Course in Zurich

  • Private and semi-private Spanish classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop, or online.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings, nights and weekends.
  • Our Spanish Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Payment methods

Pay with a credit card or with PayPal

* Your funds can be used for any course, with any teacher.

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What students are saying:

"Super profesor! El esta muy claro y preparado. Estoy impaciente de tener mi próximo curso.", Montreal

"Very attentive to details. Provides good teaching materials.", Ottawa

"Denis es un excelente profesor. se adapta fácilmente a tu capacidad de aprendizaje y respeta tu velocidad de crucero. Al hacerlo, adapta su plan de estudios según el estilo de aprendizaje de cada persona. Es paciente, amigable y le encanta enseñar, se nota.

Chantal Montréal
", Montreal

"Great teacher. Patient, prepared.", Seoul

"Very attentive, enjoyed the first class very much.", Montreal

"Everything perfect, thanks so much", Berlin

"Professeur très sympathique et attentionné. ", Montreal

"Iris est très dynamique et a une approche propice a l'apprentissage.", Montreal


Why learn Spanish? Spanish is the 4th most commonly spoken language in the world and is the dominant language in more than 20 countries, in addition to being the most present second language in the United States. Knowing Spanish will make your travels to Europe and South-America more authentic and enjoyable, and will open for you the doors of many career opportunities at the international level.

Spanish is easy to learn. Although grammar can be challenging, Spanish is almost completely phonetic, meaning that you know the pronunciation of a word simply by looking at its spelling. Spanish will help you enter the worlds of Cervantes, García Márquez, Neruda, Borges, Almodovar and many other great writers and filmmakers!

Spanish courses at Multi-Language Cafe

If you are interested in learning Spanish but dislike the idea of attending a regular language school, consider taking private lessons with one of our Spanish teachers. Interaction with the teacher in a private class is more dynamic than in group classes, this will help you master the language faster. You can follow your Spanish classes online, using a service like Zoom or Skype, or in person, in public places like a library or a coffee shop. You decide your own schedule and you book your own classes in our online calendar according to your own availabilities. If you want to take private Spanish classes but still like the idea of studying as a group, you can form a small group with your friends and register for semi-private lessons.

Our private Spanish teachers

All our Spanish teachers are highly qualified and hold relevant language teaching certifications or university-level degrees. Tell your teacher about your learning objectives. Are you learning Spanish to travel to Spain or Latin America? Are you going to use Spanish at work? Are you studying Spanish for immigration purposes? The teachers will be able to adapt their teaching methods and materials to your particular needs. Take a look at our list of Spanish courses to find the teacher that best aligns with your objectives and your interests.