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Swedish Courses : Stockholm, Sweden

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Russian Teachers Stockholm
Russian Courses in Stockholm / Online

Russe: Cours général progressif

Russian: General progressive course

Teacher: Yulia Makarova (Stockholm / Online)

SETeacher from Sweden. Speaks French, English, Russian.

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Le cours général comprend la communication orale, le travail de prononciation, ainsi que l'apprentissage des bases de grammaire, de lexique et de système phonétique. L'accent se fait sur la communication dans des situations quotidiennes.

The general course includes oral communication, pronunciation work, as well as learning the basics of grammar, vocabulary and phonetic system. The emphasis is made on communication in everyday situations.

Общий курс включает в себя устное общение, работая в произношении, а также основы обучения грамматики, лексики и фонетической системы. Основной упор делается на общение в повседневных ситуациях.

A goal-oriented approach.
Each lesson is dedicated to a certain communicative situation. The theory serves as a tool for the development of certain speech skills.
For beginners I try from the first lesson to give the basics of phonetics. Then we periodically return to phonetics.
Using the best techniques acquired in Russia, the best of Internet resources.
An individual approach.

Lessons in person or online:

At home
In your office
In a public place
(Virtual classroom, Hangouts, Skype, WhatsApp)

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Hourly rates (SEK kr / USD $)

1 studentkr300.00 [~$28.49]
2 studentskr150.00 [~$14.25]
3 students or morekr100.00 [~$9.50]
Russian Courses
Trial Class 25% Off!
Cello Teachers Stockholm
Cello Courses in Stockholm / Online

Cellolektioner (på engelska, svenska eller tyska)

Cello Lessons

Teacher: Karra Sandin (Stockholm / Online)

SETeacher from Sweden. Speaks English, German, Swedish.

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Under de första lektionerna kommer vi att fokusera på hållning – hur man sitter med cellon, samt hur man håller stråken (det är svårare än folk tror). Efter 2 eller 3 lektioner är du redo att sätta stråket på strängar och göra dina första ljud. Efter 10 veckor kan du spela några enkla låtar.

In the first few lessons we will focus on posture- how to sit with the cello, as well as how to hold the bow (it's harder than people think). After 2 or 3 lessons, you will be ready to put the bow on the string and make your first sounds. After 10 weeks you can play a scale and some simple pieces.

Im ersten Unterricht machen wir viel mit Körperhaltung- wie man mit dem Cello sitzt sowie ganz viel mit Bogengriff. Im zweiten oder dritten Stunde legen wir zum ersten mal der Bogen auf die Saiten und ersten Ton machen. Nach 10 Wochen können Sie Tonleiter und Ihre erste einfache Stück spielen

One could say my approach is a mix of methods. I am a former student of the great pedagogue Irene Sharp, and I have also completed 10 courses in Suzuki pedagogy. I rarely stick with just one method, rather I mix them and add a few things of my own. I accept students of all ages from 4 up and all levels. However, I am only willing to teach adults online. For Young children, I lean more toward the Suzuki method, which means a) a parent must be at lessons, and b) there will be required listening

Fantastic teacher! Very experienced, patient, friendly and attentive! I look forward to future lessons!PK, Hamburg

Lessons in person or online:

my office
Agnes Arvidssons Gata 13
ask me

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Hourly rates (SEK kr / USD $)

1 studentkr750.00 [~$71.23]
2 studentskr700.00 [~$66.48]
3 students or morekr650.00 [~$61.74]
Cello Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Piano Teachers Stockholm
Piano Courses in Stockholm / Online


Piano lessons! All ages, beginner or intermediate

Teacher: Karra Sandin (Stockholm / Online)

SETeacher from Sweden. Speaks English, German, Swedish.

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Inom de första 10 lektionerna lär man sig:
- hur man sitter vid pianot
- rätt handform
- 4-6 musikstycken med en hand (båda händerna tillsammans om eleven har tränat bra).
- 1-2 vågar
-enkla ackordförlopp

Piano lessons for all ages, beginning and intermediate levels. I have masters and bachelors degrees in music performance, as well as certificates in Suzuki pedagogy from the Suzuki Association of the Americas. Although cello is my primary instrument, piano has always been important to me.

Piano lessons for all ages, beginning and intermediate levels. I have masters and bachelors degrees in music performance, as well as certificates in Suzuki pedagogy from the Suzuki Association of the Americas. Although cello is my primary instrument, piano has always been important to me. My teachers have included Jerri Witt, Laura Melton, Ann Li and Carolyn Silva. I focus on giving my students a solid foundation so that they have the skills required for any music they want in the future.

Fantastic teacher! Very experienced, patient, friendly and attentive! I look forward to future lessons!PK, Hamburg

Lessons in person or online:

my office
Agnes Arvidssons Gata 13
ask me

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Hourly rates (SEK kr / USD $)

1 studentkr700.00 [~$66.48]
2 studentskr650.00 [~$61.74]
3 students or morekr600.00 [~$56.99]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Cello Teachers Stockholm
Cello Courses in Stockholm / Online

Сello/kammarmusik lektioner online eller Stockholm

Cello/chamber music lessons online/in Stockholm

Teacher: Anna Nuzha (Stockholm / Online)

Speaks English, Russian, Ukrainian

Course details | Register

1 : How to hold cello
2 : The position of the left hand
3 : How to hold the bow the right way
4 : First position - how to find
5 : Simple exercises for the right and left hands
6 : The C-major scale
7 : Etude of well known melody on cello
8 : Duo with teacher
9 : Easy song or dance

The cello lessons online and in Stockholm with Honoured Artist of Ukraine, originally ukrainian cellist, based in Sweden from October of 2021. I'm teaching adults 18-99 years old.

Individual methods, very pleasant atmosphere and guaranteed results.Some of my students-winners of contests.

Уроки виолончели онлайн или Стокгольм и Nacka с Заслуженной артисткой Украины, Профессором виолончели, проживающей в Швеции с октября 2021 года! Я учу взрослых от 18 до 99 лет. Некоторые мои студенты-лауреаты.
Индивидуальный подход, благожелательная дружеская атмосфера и результат!
Давайте начнем!

I'm very skilful touring cellist with more then 30 years of concert life.
My teaching experience on position of the Professor of cello (the National music Academy of Ukraine and Music Institute) is 23 years.
All of my students got a job, some of them are winners of the International and local contests.
My hobby is psychology, I can find the right way of teaching to each of you.
I'm very good in showing, we will perform together duo too.

Lessons in person or online:

At home
In your office
In a public place

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Hourly rates (SEK kr / USD $)

1 studentkr750.00 [~$71.23]
2 studentskr710.00 [~$67.43]
3 students or morekr650.00 [~$61.74]
Cello Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!


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