Creatividad personal
Habla Italiano, Inglés, EspañolLos estudiantes explorarán su propia creatividad a través de ejercicios (dibujo, color, mapas mentales) que activarán el pensamiento lateral. Al final del curso, el estudiante habrá descubierto y aumentado sus recursos creativos, y será capaz de aplicarlos en su vida personal y profesional.
Students will explore their own creativity through exercises (drawing, color, mental maps) that will trigger the lateral thinking. At the end of the course, students will have their creative potencial discovered and increased, and be able to apply them in their personal and professional life.
Il corso permette di esplorare la propria creatività attraverso esercizi (disegno, colore, mappe mentali) che attiveranno il pensiero laterale. Alla fine del corso,lo studente avrà scoperto e aumentato le sue risorse creative, e saprà applicarle in contesto personale, interpersonale e professionale.
+ MásThe approached is focusing on the present moment, in freedom, without judgments and restrictions; It is a complete journey towards your own creative potential. It combines elements of Psychology, art coaching, relaxation techniques, traditional arts and new creative trends, to offer students an adaptive perspective based on a creative approach to life.
Tarifas horarias (EUR € / USD $)
![]() | €50.00 [~$51.95] |
![]() | €50.00 [~$51.95] |
![]() | €30.00 [~$31.17] |
* Sus fondos sirven para cualquier curso, con cualquier profesor.