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Apprendre l'espagnol Calgary
Cours d'espagnol à Calgary / En ligne


Professeur: Flor Argenti (Calgary / En ligne)

Parle Anglais, Espagnol


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Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)

1 étudiant$25.00 [~$18.22]
2 étudiants$18.00 [~$13.12]
3 étudiants ou plus$12.00 [~$8.74]

Apprendre l'espagnolPromotion : Leçon d'essai 25% de rabais!

Apprendre l'espagnol



Description du cours :

Spanish for Beginners: Greetings, Simple Sentences, Dialogues of Everyday Life, Oral and Written Dialogues, Descriptions of Events, Oral and Written Expressions of Personal Experiences, Understanding Oral and Written Documents (TV, News, Radio, etc.), Conversational Spanish.

Español Para Principiantes: Saludos, Oraciones Simples, Diálogos sobre la Vida Diaria, Diálogos Escritos y Orales, Expresiones Orales y Escritas acerca de Experiencias Personales, Entendiendo Documentos Orales y Escritos (Televisión, Radio, Periódicos, etc), Español Conversacional.

Méthode d'enseignement :

I teach Spanish in a similar way I teach Mathematics: adapting my approach to the student needs, giving everyday examples, going back and forth so the student apprehends new vocabulary, expressions, etc. My motto is: "Anybody can learn Spanish, if it is well taught!"

Endroits où il est possible de suivre ce cours :

Cours d'espagnol, Calgary

Bibliothèque: Country Hills Library
11950 Country Village Link N.E. Calgary AB T3K 6E3
Cours d'espagnol, Calgary

Café: Jugo Juice
11950 Country Village Link N.E. Calgary, AB T3K 0E3
Cours d'espagnol, Calgary

En ligne

Taux horaires Taux horaires :

Taux horaires par étudiant :

1 étudiantCAD $25.00 [~USD $18.22]
2 étudiantsCAD $18.00 [~USD $13.12]
3 étudiants ou plusCAD $12.00 [~USD $8.74]

Leçon d'essai Leçon d'essai : moins 25% de rabais promotionnel

* Plus frais d'administration de CAD $5.00 par leçon (par étudiant)
* Frais d'achat d'une leçon unique : CAD $5.00 (par étudiant)

Choix de durée des leçons :

En ligne : 60, 90, 120 minutes

En personne: 60, 90, 120 minutes

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  • Présentez-vous ou votre groupe au professeur
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Flor Argenti

Langue maternelle : Espagnol

Langues parlées : Anglais, Espagnol

À propos du professeur

Hello, dear students! I am very pleased to offer my services to you through Multi-Language Cafe.My name is Flor Argenti, a teacher passionate of teaching Mathematics - Elementary and Junior High- and Spanish. I am from Venezuela, and all my life I have been working with face to face and online students, in English and Spanish. I have always enjoyed these experiences, among other things, because I have also learned a lot from them!

What can I tell you about my personal interests?...hmmm...Oh, yes! I love cooking, reading and be updated about what is happening around our world = ) ...See you soon!!

Hola, apreciados estudiantes! Estoy muy contenta de ofrecer a ustedes mis servicios a través de Multi-Language Café. Mi nombre es Flor Argenti, una profesora a la cual le apasiona enseñar Matemática - Primaria y Secundaria- y Español. Soy originaria de Venezuela y toda mi vida he trabajado con estudiantes en persona y en línea, en Inglés y en Español. Siempre he disfrutado estas experiencias, entre otras cosas, porque también yo he aprendido mucho.

Qué puedo decirles acerca de mis intereses personales?...hmmm…Oh, sí! Me gusta cocinar, leer y estar al día acerca de lo que está pasando en nuestro mundo = ) … Los veo pronto!!


Master, Statistics, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela, 1985.

Bachelor, Math Secondary Education Teacher, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela, 1980.

Ready To Teach Program. SAIT, 2007.


Taught Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, to groups of graduate and undergraduate students in classroom environment, Venezuela,1980-2005.

Taught Math to High School students, Venezuela, 1882-1993.

Taught Math, including Statistics and Probability, in Distance Education system, to individuals and small groups, Venezuela, 1991-1999.

Taught Statistics courses delivered by Internet, to graduate and undergraduate students in Venezuela, from Canada, using web links, discussion forums, live chats and email, 2003-2004.

Taught Math and Statistics in Canada, as private Tutor, to students from grades 4-12 and from Athabasca University and Calgary University, 2004-current.

Junior High Math and Spanish. Banbury Crossroads School, Calgary, 2007-2009.

Math 215 Group Tutor, Athabasca University, Calgary. 2010–2011.

Individualized Tutor Math 215. Athabasca University. Canada, 2011-current.

Online Tutor. Mathematics and Spanish. Brainfuse. 2014-current.

Cours offerts par ce professeur :

Apprendre les mathématiques: Mathematics: Elementary and Junior High

Apprendre l'espagnol: Spanish

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Cours d'espagnol >

Cours d'espagnol à Calgary >

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