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Cours d'italien : Paris, France

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Professeurs d'italien Florence
Cours d'italien à Florence / En ligne

Curso de Italiano

Italian Language Course

Professeur: Isadora Bilancino (Florence / En ligne)

ITProfesseur originaire de : Italie. Parle Anglais, Espagnol, Turc.

Détails du cours | S'inscrire

Pratique seu italiano comigo! Gramática, conversação, exercícios em todos os níveis do italiano. Escreva-me para perguntas e teste de avaliação

Italian lessons online. Conversation, exercises, grammar. Any level available. I am an Italian native speaker with over 10 years of experience.

I follow the communicative approach so I tailor grammar to the goal it must be used for. So, if your goal is to communicate with your Italian friends, we will learn what you need for those kinds of conversations. If you are learning Italian for work, we will focus on a more formal approach to the language.

"Isadora's patience and ability to tailor the curriculum to my specific concerns has been invaluable. More than just being effective the classes have been enjoyable. ", Malaga

Leçons en personne ou en ligne :

La Citè
Borgo San Frediano, 20, 50124 Firenze 055 210387
À domicile
À votre bureau
Dans un lieu public
En ligne
En ligne
(Classe virtuelle, Hangouts, Skype)

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Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)

1 étudiant€27.00 [~$29.32]
2 étudiants€20.00 [~$21.72]
3 étudiants ou plus€15.00 [~$16.29]
Professeurs d'italien Berlin
Cours d'italien à Berlin / En ligne

Impara l'Italiano!

Professeur: Tiziana Destino (Berlin / En ligne)

ITProfesseur originaire de : Italie. Parle Anglais, Français, Espagnol.

Détails du cours | S'inscrire

Ich bin Muttersprachlerin und biete einen Italienischkurs an: Während meines Unterrichts achte ich gleichermaßen auf das Erlernen und Üben von Hörverständnis, Leseverständnis und der Grammatik der italienischen Sprache. Während der ersten Module erfahren die Schüler mehr über die italienisch Kultur

I articulate each class in 3 sections: conversation, reading, grammar. Through the 2 first modules student approach Italian culture and tackle the use of grammatical structures. All along the 10 classes the topics addressed may adapt to specific needs & interests of the students and their level.

J'articule chaque classe en 3 sections: conversation, lecture, et grammaire. Suivant la préparation et connaissance de culture italienne les 2 premiers modules supportent l'élève a approcher les structures grammaticales. Tout au long des 10 classes les sujets abordés peuvent s'adapter aux besoins et

I work around the specific interests of the student and approach the learning process in an informal way as part of a natural progress toward understanding. I base my practice on the idea that learning of a language is grounded on the knowledge and familiarity with words and sounds. Central for me is the use of dialogues, from there all elements can be adopted in different contexts.

"I was really satisfied about Tiziana´s way of handling our first class: really methodical, she was able to pinpoint right away my strenghts and weaknesses in Italian so we could already make up a plan how our bi-weekly lessons should look like in order to ensure the greatest learning curve!", Berlin

Leçons en personne ou en ligne :

À domicile
À votre bureau
Dans un lieu public
En ligne
En ligne
(Classe virtuelle)

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Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)

1 étudiant€24.00 [~$26.06]
2 étudiants€18.00 [~$19.55]
3 étudiants ou plus€14.00 [~$15.20]
Cours d'italien
Leçon d'essai 25% de rabais!
Professeurs d'italien Catania
Cours d'italien à Catania / En ligne

Lezioni di cultura e storia dell'arte italiana

Italian lessons and history of art

Professeur: Marta Caudullo (Catania / En ligne)

ITProfesseur originaire de : Italie. Parle Anglais, Français, Espagnol.

Détails du cours | S'inscrire

Offro lezioni di cultura italiana. In particolare, affondo sulla storia dell'arte: arte antica (egizia, greca, romana), paleocristiana, medievale, rinascimentale, moderna e contemporanea, italiana ma anche internazionale.

Italian lessons: I would start with presentation to gradually go on with vocabulary (food, shopping, work) and grammar (verb tenses, hypothetical sentences). The aim is to become able to talk about different subjects. Hstory of art is my field and I'll also be glad to share my knowledge of it.

I try to make things interesting and to put practictal aspects first, using many examples from daily life and teaching the most common language links between words. I generally talk about things that I'm interested in, so that I could share my passions and make things pleasant.

Leçons en personne ou en ligne :

Catania CT, Italia
96100 Siracusa SR, Italia
Firenze FI, Italia
Dans un lieu public
En ligne
En ligne
(Classe virtuelle, Zoom)

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Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)

1 étudiant€25.00 [~$27.15]
2 étudiants€15.00 [~$16.29]
3 étudiants ou plus€10.00 [~$10.86]
Professeurs d'italien Palermo
Cours d'italien à Palermo / En ligne



Professeur: Gesualdo GN (Palermo / En ligne)

ITProfesseur originaire de : Italie. Parle Anglais.

Détails du cours | S'inscrire

Lezioni per studenti di tutti i livelli, con attenzione a tutti gli aspetti della lingua e della cultura italiana. Conversazione, ma anche esercizi e grammatica, che ti consentiranno di migliorare la tua capacità di parlare in italiano (parleremo di qualunque argomento e correggeremo gli errori).

Lessons for students of all levels, with attention to all aspects of the Italian language and culture. Conversation, but also exercises and grammar, which will allow you to improve your ability to speak in Italian (we will talk about any kind of topic and we will correct the mistakes).

Ti guiderò nell'apprendimento, metterò a tua disposizione le mie competenze e la mia conoscenza dell'italiano (ho studiato anche il latino e il greco antico). Le mie lezioni saranno personalizzate e finalizzate al raggiungimento dei tuoi obiettivi. Non insegno ai bambini.

I will guide you in learning, I will put at your disposal my skills and knowledge of Italian (I studied Latin and ancient Greek too). My lessons will be customized and aimed at achieving your goals. I don't teach children.

Leçons en personne ou en ligne :

En ligne
En ligne
(Classe virtuelle, Skype)

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Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)

1 étudiant€25.00 [~$27.15]
2 étudiants€19.00 [~$20.63]
3 étudiants ou plus€16.00 [~$17.38]


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