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Apprendre l'anglais Medellin
Cours d'anglais à Medellin / En ligne

Life By Creative Design

Professeur: Jamie Suss (Medellin)

USProfesseur originaire de : États-Unis. Parle Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand.


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Taux horaires (USD $)

1 étudiant$25.00
2 étudiants$22.00
3 étudiants ou plus$18.00

Apprendre l'anglaisPromotion : Leçon d'essai 25% de rabais!

Apprendre l'anglais

Life By Creative Design

(La Vida Por Diseñar Creativa)

Description du cours :

In the style of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, Life By Creative Design is a combination of Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements and a perspective of Deep Ecology of Mind that lures you in with interesting daily themes, builds up your knowledge of yourself as a co-creator and designer in life.

Todos en el mundo son únicos. Cada pensamiento y la emoción crea una respuesta física bioquímica en el cuerpo. Por lo tanto, cuanto más pienso en ello, más que alimentar esos pensamientos. El objetivo de este curso es enseñar cómo diseñar su futuro en vez de limitarse a dejar la vida predeterminada.

Méthode d'enseignement :

We do this by looking at how the mind works and is developed, the Mind and Body connection, the power of the Mind, We learn how to be designers, architects, and engineers of our future.

Programme du cours :

We use artistic expression to re-evaluate, recover and redesign the world we see around us based on the science of using healing thoughts in order to guide us in designing our lives based on the concept of ontological design.

This 30-day creativity invitation is designed to provide a more profound perspective into the mind-body connection by digging deeper to understand ourselves, and through the creative process, create a new story of ourselves as we follow our bliss.

The more you shine your light, the more you cast a shadow and one of the guidelines is that we do a little shadow work and learn how to uncover, realize and break self-limiting patterns and beliefs.

In combination with this shadow work we also seek to understand our gifts and apply them to our true purpose by practicing building the world our heart’s desire with a vision board, vision-eering, designing outcomes and co-creating new relationships in accordance with what is most important to us.

Join me and participate to conspire for positive growth, perspire on projects that make our lives brighter, inspire and be inspired by our gifts and talents, and breathe with ease as we aspire to create something greater than ourselves.

Endroits où il est possible de suivre ce cours :

Cours d'anglais, Medellin

Café: Café Velvet
# a 8a-168, Cra. 37 #2 Sur60, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Cours d'anglais, Medellin

Café: Naturalia Café
Circular 3 70-39, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Cours d'anglais, Medellin

Un lieu public suggéré par vous

Cours d'anglais, Medellin

À domicile

Cours d'anglais, Medellin

À votre bureau

Taux horaires Taux horaires :

Taux horaires par étudiant :

1 étudiantUSD $25.00
2 étudiantsUSD $22.00
3 étudiants ou plusUSD $18.00

Leçon d'essai Leçon d'essai : moins 25% de rabais promotionnel

* Plus frais d'administration de USD $5.00 par leçon (par étudiant)
* Frais d'achat d'une leçon unique : USD $5.00 (par étudiant)

Choix de durée des leçons :

En ligne : Non-disponible

En personne: 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes

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Jamie Suss

Pays d'origine : États-Unis

Langue maternelle : Anglais

Langues parlées : Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand

À propos du professeur

.Greetings and thanks for reading. I am Jamie and i am a dynamic person just like you! I was born in Colorado and have been fortune to travel the world and get to know some very beautiful places.

With me you will learn more than just a language or only linguistics. With me we will explore the metaphysics and the function that language serves in our daily lives and how we can use mindfulness to create our most optimal world. A language of Empowerment.

My teaching philosophy is that a student is a source to set free rather than a cup to fill with information. I teach how to use a system of empowering language to free ourselves as much as possible from the world of inner conflict with the outer world. The classes are personalized to your needs and include writing, reading, speaking, together with grammar and vocabulary.

Also I teach the language of mind and body through yoga!!

Saludos y gracias por leer. Soy Jamie y soy una persona dynamica igual como tú. Nací en Colorado y he sido fortunado viajar por el mundo y conocer tantos lugares hermosos.

Conmigo vas a aprender más de el lenguaje o solo la lingüística. Conmigo, vamos a explorar las metaphysica y función que desempeña el lenguaje en nuestra vida cotidiana y cómo podemos utilizar la atención plena para crear nuestro mundo óptima. El Langauge de Empoderamiento.

Vamos a mejorar nuestras habilidades de pronunciación y conversación a través de hablar de temas interesantes. Este diálogo se abre la puerta para que pudiéramos utilizar el lenguaje para identificar, reflexionar y cambiar nuestro comportamiento para beneficiar a nuestro mayor bien.

Mi filosofía de enseñanza es que un estudiante es una fuente que nos surgen, no una taza de llenar. .Yo enseño cómo utilizar el empoderamiento de los sistemas de lenguaje para liberar a nosotros mismos, y liberarnos por nosotros mismos tanto como sea posible. Las clases son personalizadas a sus necesidades e incluirán leer, escribir, escuchar, hablar, junto con la gramática y el vocabulario.

Aparte de esto, eneño la idioma del cuerpo y mente con yoga.


Bachelor of Arts in International Trade and Relations. University of Northern Colorado, 2002.
TEFL Certificate, Maxímo Nivel, 2008
Accelerated TEFL, Extreme English, 2010.
BCELT, Bridge English, 2011
200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, Core Power Yoga, 2013.


The beauty of language is that it is a part of everything, so I have taught all subjects in some way, shape or form. I taught English for 2 years in Perú in a university and private institute. I taught English in Denver with mixed-nationality classes and I loved having students from all around the world. I have taught public school teachers pedagogy, methodology, activities, and classroom management in Florencia, Caqueta, Colombia. Lastly, I taught for SENA in Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia as part of their bilingualism program.

Cours offerts par ce professeur :

Apprendre l'anglais: Life By Creative Design

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