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Apprendre le chant Rome
Cours de chant à Rome / En ligne

Canto lirico

Professeur: Emilija Petronijevic (Rome)

Parle Anglais, Italien, Serbe


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Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)

1 étudiant€20.00 [~$21.44]
2 étudiants€15.00 [~$16.08]
3 étudiants ou plus€10.00 [~$10.72]

Apprendre le chant

Canto lirico

(Opera singing)

Description du cours :

Gli esercizi di respirazione, Alexander tecnica, il riscaldamento della voce, legere musica, i vocalizzi, la tecnica di belcanto italiano, arie antiche

The breathing exercises, Alexandar technique, the warm up of the voice, reading music, vocalizes, the italian belcanto technique

Vezbe disanja, Aleksandar tehnika, raspevavanje, citanje nota, vokalize, tehnika italijanskog belkanta

Méthode d'enseignement :

I am myself a singer, I will sing with the student, I know some fantastic simple duets, and the italian opera is much more interesting than it seems :)

Endroits où il est possible de suivre ce cours :

Leçons de chant, Rome

Un lieu public suggéré par vous

Leçons de chant, Rome

À domicile

Leçons de chant, Rome

À votre bureau

Taux horaires Taux horaires :

Taux horaires par étudiant :

1 étudiantEUR €20.00 [~USD $21.44]
2 étudiantsEUR €15.00 [~USD $16.08]
3 étudiants ou plusEUR €10.00 [~USD $10.72]

* Plus frais d'administration de EUR €3.00 par leçon (par étudiant)
* Frais d'achat d'une leçon unique : EUR €3.00 (par étudiant)

Choix de durée des leçons :

En ligne : Non-disponible

En personne: 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes

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  • Présentez-vous ou votre groupe au professeur
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Emilija Petronijevic

Langues parlées : Anglais, Italien, Serbe

À propos du professeur

Hello, my name is Emilija, from Serbia, a second year bachelor in opera singing student and a first year PhD in engineering student at La Sapienza, Rome. For the past 5 years I have been teaching maths, physics, engineering and music, I am used to working with students of all ages, and it helps me to understand science and transmit my art better. It also helps me to enjoy living this La grande bellezza and to meet new interesting people :)

Ciao, sono Emilija, vengo dalla Serbia, sono una studentessa del secondo anno bachelor di canto lirico e una dottoranda del primo anno di ingegneria, La Sapienza Universita di Roma. Negli ultimi cinque anni ho insegnato la matematica, fisica, ingegneria e musica, sono abbituata a insegnare agli studenti di tutte le eta', mi aiuta a capire meglio la scienza e a trasmettere l'arte. Mi aiuta anche a godere questa grande bellezza e mi fa conoscere nuova gente interessante :)


Bachelor's degree in Physical Electronics, Univeristy of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering, 2013.
Master's degree in Physical Electronics, Univeristy of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering, 2014.
Currently 1st year of PhD, Il Dipartimento di Scienze di Base e Applicate per l'Ingegneria, La Sapienza University of Rome (2014-2017)
Currently 2nd year of bachelor in solo singing, University of Arts, Faculty of Music, Belgrad


Subjects: mathematics, physics I and II, optical telecommunications, fundamentals of engineering, programming, english, singing, piano, solfeggio
-Teaching Assistant in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Univeristy of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering, 2013-2014.
-Student-mentor, Department of Mathematics, Univeristy of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering, 2012-2013.

Cours offerts par ce professeur :

Apprendre le chant: Canto lirico

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