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Curs de Limba Română
Professeur originaire de : Roumanie. Parle Roumain, Anglais.My Romanian lessons will help the clients to learn or improve the language through conversation, reading, listening and writing; they will tailor the learners to express clearly in social, business, situations, academic or travel purposes.
Lecţiile mele vor ajuta clienţii să înveţe sau să-şi îmbunătăţească cunoştinţele de limbă prin conversaţie, citire, audieri şi scris; ele vor corespunde nevoilor clienţilor de a se exprima clar în situaţii sociale, afaceri, scopuri academice sau de călătorie.
Regarding my teaching techniques, I provide plenty of materials for conversation, grammar, Romanian traditions trying to cater my learners' goals and interests, offering constant feed backs through homework corrections and explanations. My lessons on Skype will offer instant dialogues,vocabulary and expressions clarifications whenever will be necessary.
I'm an enthusiast and reliable teacher , love very much tutoring on line and have a flexible work schedule according to the clients' needs.
Leçons en personne ou en ligne :
Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)
$25.00 [~$17.35] | |
$18.00 [~$12.49] | |
$12.00 [~$8.33] |
Professeur originaire de : Roumanie. Parle Anglais, Français, Italien.-INTERACTIUNE
My lessons are interactive and engaging. I will coach and support you every step of the way to ensure you become fully competent and confident when communicating in Romanian. I am happy to teach you in a way that suits you. A typical lesson with me will involve lots of conversation and activities.
Cours de langue interractifs tous niveaux.J'adapte ma methode selon les besoins. Le plus souvent mes élèves veulent apprendre une langue étrangère pour relocation, changer le lieu de travaille, obtenir une meilleure position, un environnement de travail ou de vie multiculturel, voyage, famille.
✔️ I go above and beyond for each one of my students & give 100% effort to make sure you achieve your goals!
✔️ I offer enjoyable and engaging lessons to keep you motivated.
✔️ I focus on the individual needs of each student.
Leçons en personne ou en ligne :
Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)
€25.00 [~$25.76] | |
€18.00 [~$18.55] | |
€12.00 [~$12.36] |
Conversation classes
Professeur originaire de : États-Unis. Parle Anglais, Français.Apprenez à vous exprimer en anglais en toute confiance, en vous immersant totalement dans la langue. J'adapte mes cours à vos besoins et à votre niveau, tout en abordant des sujets qui vous intéressent afin que vous puissiez atteindre vos objectifs.
Practice speaking and understanding conversational English. Conversations are fully adapted to your topics of interest, your English level, and your purpose to learn or improve your speaking skills.
With me, you'll learn to speak English with full confidence by learning in a very unconventional and relaxed manner. My lessons are all conversation based so you'll be fully immersed in the language, and it will make you feel like you're having coffee with a friend while practicing your English!
Leçons en personne ou en ligne :
Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)
€25.00 [~$25.76] | |
€16.00 [~$16.49] | |
€12.00 [~$12.36] |
Beginner's English
Professeur originaire de : États-Unis. Parle Français, Anglais, Igbo.Mon but est d’intégrer l'anglais à votre vie quotidienne, les répétitions et la pratique sont donc essentielles.
My goal is to integrate English into your daily lives. Repetition and completing daily exercises are essential.
Je vous aide à développer votre vocabulaire et d'étendre votre compréhension de sujets quotidiens simples.
Leçons en personne ou en ligne :
Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)
€28.00 [~$28.85] | |
€18.00 [~$18.55] | |
€15.00 [~$15.46] |
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