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Cours de sciences : Edmonton, Canada

Professeurs de sciences Edmonton
Cours de sciences à Edmonton / En ligne


Professeur: Rishah Roberts (Edmonton)

Parle Anglais, Hindi, Punjabi

Détails du cours | S'inscrire

Being a recent high school graduate and a mentor I know well how to interact with teenagers and elementary students. As I am closer to the student age group I find myself well experienced in understanding and exploring the strengths of a student in sciences and help them enjoy study as I do.

Kyun kay main high school graduate aur mentor reh chuki hoon mujhay jawan aur chotay students kay sath mil jul kar rehna achi tarah ata hai. Aur kyun kay main khud bhi un ki umar kay kareeb hun main students ki science main dilchaspi samajh sakti hun aur un ki bharpur tareekay say madad karungi.

Physics is a realm of science which intrigues one's mind to the unseen forces which are behind every practical action therefore it plays a huge role in the exploration of science. My love for inventions and innovations has driven me to my career path of engineering.

Leçons en personne :

Edmonton Public Library
601 Millwoods Town Centre,2331-66st T6K 4B5
Dans un lieu public

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Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)

1 étudiant$17.00 [~$11.81]
2 étudiants$16.00 [~$11.12]
3 étudiants ou plus$15.00 [~$10.42]
Professeurs de sciences Edmonton
Cours de sciences à Edmonton / En ligne


Professeur: Rishah Roberts (Edmonton)

Parle Anglais, Hindi, Punjabi

Détails du cours | S'inscrire

Being a recent high school graduate and a mentor I know well how to interact with teenagers and elementary students. As I am closer to the student age group I find myself well experienced in understanding and exploring the strengths of a student in sciences and help them enjoy study as I do.

Kyun kay main high school graduate aur mentor reh chuki hoon mujhay jawan aur chotay students kay sath mil jul kar rehna achi tarah ata hai. Aur kyun kay main khud bhi un ki umar kay kareeb hun main students ki science main dilchaspi samajh sakti hun aur un ki bharpur tareekay say madad karungi.

Math is a subject which not only improves our critical analytical thinking but also gives a business oriented mind. My average of 98% in Calculus explains itself my interest for math and my knowledge of simple and complicated calculations.

Leçons en personne :

Edmonton Public Library
601 Millwoods Town Centre,2331-66st T6K 4B5
Dans un lieu public

Ajouter à ma liste Ajouter à ma liste

Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)

1 étudiant$17.00 [~$11.81]
2 étudiants$16.00 [~$11.12]
3 étudiants ou plus$15.00 [~$10.42]
Professeurs de sciences Edmonton
Cours de sciences à Edmonton / En ligne


Professeur: Rishah Roberts (Edmonton)

Parle Anglais, Hindi, Punjabi

Détails du cours | S'inscrire

Being a recent high school graduate and a mentor I know well how to interact with teenagers and elementary students. As I am closer to the student age group I find myself well experienced in understanding and exploring the strengths of a student in sciences and help them enjoy study as I do.

Kyun kay main high school graduate aur mentor reh chuki hoon mujhay jawan aur chotay students kay sath mil jul kar rehna achi tarah ata hai. Aur kyun kay main khud bhi un ki umar kay kareeb hun main students ki science main dilchaspi samajh sakti hun aur un ki bharpur tareekay say madad karungi.

I have a deep interest for chemistry as it gives us the ability to discover and analyze the life and substances outside our practical lives. Also I have maintained 90% average in chemistry throughout my high school years. Because of which I am confident enough that my academic pursuit would benefit others as well.

Leçons en personne :

Edmonton Public Library
601 Millwoods Town Centre,2331-66st T6K 4B5
Dans un lieu public

Ajouter à ma liste Ajouter à ma liste

Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)

1 étudiant$17.00 [~$11.81]
2 étudiants$16.00 [~$11.12]
3 étudiants ou plus$15.00 [~$10.42]


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