Professeur: Salim Remtulla (Montréal)
Parle Anglais, Français, HindiAre you starting a new family? What exercises are important for new moms given all the changes they have been through? How can we convince dad to start exercising so that he can play with his kids with maximum endurance, force and flexibility. Should we use static or dynamic resistance training?
+ PlusThe course will look first at a basic overview of the biological changes in pregnancy within the framework of exercise and fitness. Then we will look at appropriate literature in the field and determine how families can exercise together. We will also look at a basic overview a childs development in motor control and movement.
Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)
![]() | $29.99 [~$20.94] |
![]() | $24.99 [~$17.45] |
![]() | $20.55 [~$14.35] |
Professeur: Salim Remtulla (Montréal)
Parle Anglais, Français, HindiHow can seniors keep fit and maintain or improve their balance and stability? What are the key issues and exercises to keep in mind? This class will look at the relevant issues and research in the field and will be guided by the students interest.
+ PlusThis is a unique approach to seniors fitness. Couse will have thirty minutes of exercises and thirty minutes of theory discussing balance and stability in movement for this population.
Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)
![]() | $25.99 [~$18.14] |
![]() | $19.99 [~$13.95] |
![]() | $14.99 [~$10.46] |
Professeur: Salim Remtulla (Montréal)
Parle Anglais, Français, HindiA delicious course on food and weight loss. We all know that exercise is important for weight loss, however what we eat (and don't eat) has a profound influence on our digestion and body composition. This course will look at the vocabulary of food: proteins, carbohydrates and good fats. We will also
+ PlusWe will use role play and games to see first hand how the body digests food. There will be visual pictures and models that the students will use to have a better understanding of the basic concepts of food, digestion, and weight loss.
Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)
![]() | $25.99 [~$18.14] |
![]() | $19.99 [~$13.95] |
![]() | $14.99 [~$10.46] |
Anatomie pour mon sport
Professeur: Salim Remtulla (Montréal)
Parle Anglais, Français, HindiA course that provides exercises in the gym and a study of anatomy that will improve your sport in the field and knowledge and anatomy of muscles and bones. The sport to study will depend on the student choice from: tennis, swimming, golf, soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.
+ PlusThe teaching approch will first look at the muscles most important to the sport. We will then look at the best exercises or activities for: warm-up, building endurance, core stability, how to develop power for your sport, and increased flexibility.
Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)
![]() | $25.99 [~$18.14] |
![]() | $19.99 [~$13.95] |
![]() | $14.99 [~$10.46] |
Cardio Espagnol
Professeur: Salim Remtulla (Montréal)
Parle Anglais, Français, HindiDo you love group cardio fitness classes to Latin music? Well, now you can impress your friends in your Cardio Latin fitness class by singing the songs correctly and knowing what the words mean! Learn basic Spanish from music to a fitness routine!
+ PlusA unique and kinesthetic approach to language acquisition. We will do thirty minutes of Cardio exercises with moves that will help you remember and practice the language. The next thirty minutes we will look the vocabulary and grammatical structures of the language. This is a basic Spanish course for people who want to learn quickly and without any effort!
Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)
![]() | $25.99 [~$18.14] |
![]() | $19.99 [~$13.95] |
![]() | $14.99 [~$10.46] |
* Vos fonds peuvent s'appliquer à n'importe quel cours.
Montréal est l'une des villes les plus grandes et les plus cosmopolites du Canada. Parlé par 57% de la population, le français est la langue officielle suivi de près par l'anglais. Montréal est l'une des villes les plus bilingues du pays avec 65% de la population capable de parler français et anglais, et 20% parlant également d'autres langues. Une telle composition diversifiée fait de Montréal un endroit idéal pour apprendre des langues.
Montréal est considérée comme la capitale culturelle du Canada, une partie importante de la production cinématographique, musicale, radiophonique et multimédia du pays se déroulant dans la ville. Montréal possède également l'une des plus fortes concentrations de population étudiante en Amérique du Nord. Outre l'anglais et le français, les langues les plus parlées dans la ville sont l'espagnol, l'arabe, l'italien, le mandarin, le créole et le grec, entre autres.