No matter what the grade level, all students can benefit from a basic tune up of writing, math and any other skills that may atrophy over the summer. The focus of this course will be on basic review of the last year's curriculum in preparation for a solid start in the new grade in September.
+ PlusBased on the previous grade, students will be given a solid review of math and writing skills from the previous year to address any deficits present and to ensure that the student enters the new grade with a solid background needed to succeed. Ongoing support for the new grade in September will be available at the discretion of the student/parent.
Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)
$40.00 [~$27.76] | |
$35.00 [~$24.29] | |
$30.00 [~$20.82] |
Professeur: Dhana Matthews (Vancouver)
Parle AnglaisThis course will offer ongoing review of key concepts in the Socials 11 course (BC Curriculum) and work on strategies for success on the provincial exam, including essay writing and approaching multiple choice questions strategically.
+ PlusThis course will focus on review of key concepts and vocabulary in the three streams of the Socials 11 course - Government, History and Geography - and will help students to apply that knowledge to successfully complete the Socials 11 provincial exam. Essay writing will be focused on as the exam includes two mandatory essays and study skills will be addressed.
Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)
$35.00 [~$24.29] | |
$30.00 [~$20.82] | |
$25.00 [~$17.35] |
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* Vos fonds peuvent s'appliquer à n'importe quel cours.
Vancouver est la huitième plus grande ville du Canada et la plus densément peuplée. Si traditionnellement les groupes ethniques dominants ont été les Anglais, les Écossais et les Irlandais, aujourd'hui d'autres origines contribuent au brassage culturel de la ville. La ville compte désormais des quartiers aux personnalités distinctes chinoises, punjabi, italiennes ou grecques. 52% de la population ne parle pas l'anglais comme première langue, et près d'un tiers de la population est d'origine chinoise!