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Arab Teachers Online

Private and semi-private Arab classes for all levels.

Arab Teacher
Arab Teachers Online

Markos Awdalla (Montreal)

EGTeacher from Egypt. Speaks English, French.

Mother language: Arab

About the teacher

My name is Markos Awdalla, Arabic is my first language; I worked as an Education technologist from 2002 to 2008 in Egypt, my responsibility was helping teachers to use computer aid inside class rooms. In addition to my training, I was producing educational media in Arabic for Math, Science and Arabic teachers, which will help teachers to do there jobs.


Bachelor of Arts: Educational Technology Computer Instructor
(Quebec equivalence obtained)
Faculty of Specific Education, Menoufia University, Menoufia, Egypt


2002-2008 Egyptian Government Primary School, Shibin El-kom, Egypt
 Produced educational PowerPoint presentations for classroom purposes
 Trained teachers in information and communication technology (ICT) for classroom applications
 Recorded video tapes from live educational satellite broadcasts produced by the Egyptian Ministry of Education

June 9- 11, 2010 Presentation How to Make Learning more Interesting (case study teaching Arabic for Canadian children 8-12 years old)
International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW 2010, Kaleidoscope Learning) at Colombia University, NY, U.S.A.

June 10 – 12, 2009 Presentation of a Case Study on the Usage of ICT (Intel Learn Program)
International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace (ICELW 2009, Kaleidoscope Learning) at Colombia University, NY, U.S.A.

Courses by this teacher:

Arab Teacher
Arab Teachers Online

Ahmed Ahmed (Cairo)

EGTeacher from Egypt. Speaks English, Arab.

Mother language: Arab

About the teacher

I am aware of students' wants and needs, I am always making the teaching process fun and interesting as well as motivating. I create Arabic, fun, and suited lessons according to personal needs. I've been teaching for around 7 years, and have met people from around the world. I have experience teaching offline and online classes. My previous students were between 12 and 65 years old. I studied Arabic (Standard-Egyptian) at the University for 4 years.



Bachelor in Arabic Language, Literature and Islamic Studies, Dar al-Elom Faculty, Cairo University, 2007

(Dar Al-Elom Faculty is the first ranked faculty in the Arab world in the field of Arabic language and literature. Cairo University is the first address for foreigners with the goal of learning Arabic.)

Secondary School in Egypt (English/Arabic), 2002


- Freelancer Arabic teacher for foreigners.

- Freelancer editor

- Coordinator in an online institute in China

- IST programming company.

- An editor and reviewer.
2011- 2013

- Mango language school. Online.

- Working as an proof-reader, and editor.
2012- Present

- Drayah School for Arabic as a Foreign Language, Cairo, Egypt
Self responsible teacher for Arabic as a foreign language + administrative duties
2009 – Present

- Arabic center for Sciences, Cairo, Egypt
Self responsible teacher for Arabic as a foreign language + administrative duties
(2009 – 2009)

- Arab Academy, Cairo, Egypt
Self responsible teacher for Arabic as a foreign language + administrative duties
(2007 – 2009)
In the schools mentioned above, I have been teaching students from all over the world such as America, Europe, As

Courses by this teacher:

Arab Teacher
Arab Teachers Online

Tawfik Kanzari (Montreal)

TNTeacher from Tunisia. Speaks French, English, Arab.

Mother language: Arab

About the teacher

J'adore enseigner, transmettre un savoir. Enseigner une langue, et par là, donner une ouverture sur une culture. C'est une belle aventure, à vivre dans le partage et dans la générosité. J'ai eu plusieurs vies, plusieurs langues, journaliste, rédacteur, éditeur, enseignant, j'ai toujours aimé communiquer et partager..!

اسمي توفيق، احب ميدان التدريس
والالتقاء باشخاص من ثقافات مختلفة

I like teaching, and transmit knowledge. Teaching a language, and thereby provide insight into a culture


DEC ès arts, Lycée de Carthage Présidence, Tunis,

Diplôme de journalisme à l’université libre de Bruxelles, Belgique,

Maîtrise en marketing à l’ICHEC : Centre Interdisciplinaire des Études de Marché et au Marketing (CIFEM), Bruxelles, Belgique,

DESS en Sciences Economiques Appliquées à l’ICHEC : Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Bruxelles, Belgique,

Maîtrise en marketing de la distribution à l’ISEC, Institut Supérieur Economique de Bruxelles, Belgique,


Expérience d'enseignement multiforme

Courses by this teacher:

Arab Teacher
Arab Teachers Online

Oula Hajjar (Berlin)

LBTeacher from Lebanon. Speaks English, French.

Mother language: Arab

About the teacher

I have over 10 years of experience of Arabic teaching. I focus on writing, pronunciation but also conversational Arabic with the Lebanese dialect. I give classes to all levels from beginner to advanced. I can provide lessons for specific needs and interests. I will provide the material for each lesson, no additional cost is required.


I have a masters degree in international affairs and a bachelor degree in Arabic studies from Beirut, Lebanon.

I have worked as a translator from Arabic to French/English and from French/English to Arabic.


I have taught the course "Arabic for beginners" in Montreal, Canada in a community center. This course was addressed to the people who want to have an introduction to the Arabic language.

I have worked as private tutor for consultants from Montreal that were traveling to the Middle East and needed a basic knowledge of Arabic for work related reasons.

I have also taught the Arabic language to children from different ages that live in Montreal and that have parents from Arabic background. These kids were familiar to the language because they spoke it at home but never learned how to write it. I have used a different method of teaching for these kids.

Courses by this teacher:

Arab Teacher
Arab Teachers Online

Sanaa Mtah (Montreal)

MATeacher from Morocco. Speaks French, English, Arab.

Mother language: Arab

About the teacher

My name is Sanaa and I’m a native Arabic speaker from Morocco. After getting my Master degree in Management in USA ; I decided to move to Montreal Where I can practice both languages English & French.
I’m Passionate about languages and I enjoy learning about different cultures.
I’m very flexible and willing to adapt the type of lesson to the student and the context of the learning : General conversation,Vocabulary building, Grammar, Pronunciation practice, Listening practice, Writing practice, Children's lessons….

Je suis très patiente ; ouverte d'esprit et j'aime decouvrir d'autre cultures.

Pendant mes heures libre ; J'aime faire de la lecture et cuisiner.

أنا مستعدة لسماع أي اقتراح أو تعديل فيما يتعلق بلبرنامج


Mai 2011 : Master in Management : Cambridge college Massachusetts, U.S.A
Juin 2006 : Bachelor degree in Economics /Finances : Mohamed V University ; Rabat


I was teaching Arabic and French in USA. My students were children and adults of different ages.

Courses by this teacher:

Arab Teacher
Arab Teachers Online


SYTeacher from Syria. Speaks English.

Mother language: Arab

About the teacher

Hello, I am an Arabic native speaker from Damascus-Syria, lived in California for 4 years which made me near native speaker in English. Recently moved to Brussels. Beside seeing teaching as the best you to build bridges between people and cultures, I see it as my passion.


B.A., Literature and Human Sciences, English Department, Damascus University, 2007.


Arabic Language and Culture Instructor, The Markaz, Cultural Center for the Middle East and North Africa, Los Angeles, CA.

Curriculum planning, group instruction, one-on-one teaching for multiple levels of Arabic language, from beginner to upper intermediate. Flexible approach for students at multiple levels of fluency in speaking, writing, reading, and comprehension. Focus on the Levantine dialect, particularly that of Syria, as well as formal Modern Standard Arabic.

Courses by this teacher:

Arab Teacher
Arab Teachers Online

Gracia Beylouné (Montreal)

SYTeacher from Syria. Speaks Arab, French, English.

Mother language: Arab

About the teacher

Je suis enseignante de profession, ayant enseigné en Alep, Syrie pour 15 ans. Ma langue maternelle est l'arabe. Je peux vous aider à apprendre l'arabe, soit que l'arabe conversationnel, ou les bases de la langue incluant l'écriture et la grammaire. Je suis une personne enthousiaste, et votre intérêt et apprentissage me donnera beaucoup de satisfaction.


Baccalauréat en Sciences, Chimie de l'Université d'Alep, 1983.


J'ai enseigné chimie, physique, biologie et maths dans des écoles secondaires en Syrie: L'école Nationale,Bani Taghleb, l'École Amal, l'École Shams Al Asi.l (1984 à 2015)

Courses by this teacher:

Arab Teacher
Arab Teachers Online

Samir Iranee (Frankfurt am Main)

DETeacher from Germany. Speaks Arab, German, Hebrew.

Mother language: Arab

About the teacher

Arabisch-Muttersprachler (Dipl.-Betriebswirt + MBA mit langjähriger Lehr- und Trainingserfahrung u.a. für Privatpersonen sowie Mitarbeiter internationaler Unternehmen + Anhang und Institutionen) bietet in Frankfurt am Main bzw. bundesweit sowie in Arabien (Ägypten, Oman, VAE & Abu Dhabi sowie Dubai) für alle Leistungsstufen (Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene & Konversation) Einzelunterricht & Arabischkurse.

Themenauswahl der Veranstaltungen: „Interkulturelle Kompetenz allgemein / kulturübergreifend“, „Interkulturelle Kompetenz Islam & für die arabische Welt: Nordafrika, die Levante und die Golfregion“, „Arabien-Business und Business-Arabisch“, „ How to communicate & negotiate with the Arabs & Muslims“, „Erfolgreiche Kommunikation mit islamischen und arabischen Geschäftspartnern“, "Erfolgreiche Kommunikation mit arabischen Studenten, Patienten & Touristen", „Deutschland & Deutsch für Araber", „Umgang mit Zuwanderer, Migranten & Flüchtlinge aus dem Nahen Osten / Syrien und Irak“, usw.,.

Iranee Intercultural Training Middle East & Language Courses Arabic, German, and Hebrew.

Arabic native (Qualified: BA in Business Administration & MBA in International Management Consulting) experienced lecturer at the VHS Open University Ffm, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, J. W. Goethe-University, ISM International School of Management Frankfurt and the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management offers in Frankfurt am Main and Germanywide as well as in the MENA-Region / language corporate courses (such as Arabic: colloquial, media, business and Khaliji / Egyptian + other MSA Arabic & Dialects) for all levels.

Further we provide courses and trainings on culture, politics and doing business in the Middle East / Arab countries as well as Intercultural training for the Arab World and the Islamic Region (Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey, etc.,).

Other Services: German and Germany for Arabs (CEO, Manager, Students, etc.,)

سمير لطفي ايراني فرانكفورت المانيا
Experienced lecturer / tutor / teacher of Arabic & Hebrew & German and intercultural training & coaching Islamic & Arab World + translator & interpreter (Arabic & German) with MBA in International Management Consulting & Diploma in Business Administration / Management

- 34 years experienced tutor of modern Arabic and Hebrew + Intercultural Management for non-native speakers
- Native speaker of MSA Modern Standard Arabic / Dialect of Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Syria & Libanon
- Diploma / BA in Business Administration (Management & Controlling) and Executive MBA in IMC International Management Consulting degrees from German & UK located universities
- 34-year experience in the teaching of Arabic and Intercultural Competence at various German universities in the Frankfurt & Rhein-Main-Area : Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule Darmstadt, Hochschule Rhein-Main Wiesbaden, University of Würzburg etc.,
- Based in Frankfurt M.


Diplom-Betriebswirt an der UoAS Mainz FB Management / Controlling; weiterführendes Studium an der J.W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main der Fächer VWL, Politik, Soziologie mit Schwerpunkt Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und Kooperationen sowie Entwicklungspolitik im arabisch-islamischen Raum; MBA-Studium „International Management Consulting“ an die FH Ludwigshafen. MBA-Dissertation “Internationale Management-Beratung im islamisch-arabischen Kulturkreis“.

What do I offer?
- I offer one to one and group lessons in Arabic language.
- I offer one to one and group lessons in German for non-native (arabs & muslims) speakers.
- I offer lessons to university students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels
- I provide Arabic / German / Arabic translation and interpreting in various areas (Media, marketing, business, etc).

-Teaching Approach: I focus on communication and use authentic material (newspaper, books, songs and kids stories) to help students not just le


Lehrtätigkeit und Schulungen für internationale Unternehmen und Institutionen zu den Themen: Doing Business in Arabia, Interkulturelles Training für die arabischen Länder (Ägypten bis VAE); Culture Audit Arabien, Train the MENA-Teambuilding und Teamwork, Coaching für Expatriates sowie Sprachkurse Medien- und Business-Arabisch.

Auch in diesem Semester wieder Lehrauftrag u.a. an der H_da Darmstadt, Hochschule Rhein Main Wiesbaden, Frankfurt University oAS, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, ISM sowie Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

Courses by this teacher:

Arab Teacher
Arab Teachers Online

Badr Khouzima (Barcelona)

MATeacher from Morocco. Speaks English, French, Spanish.

Mother language: Arab

About the teacher

I am Badr an English teacher freelancer and Arabic tutor. I am from Morocco but I live in Barcelona.

I will be your coach in your journey to learn Arabic language. I speak Modern Standard Arabic "Al Fusha" and north African dialects.

أهلا بالعالم لتعلم اللغة العربية، الفصحي أو احدى لهجات شمال افريقيا.

أنتظرك لنبدأ رحلة التعلم عما قريب.

Vamos haplar Arbic


Bachelor's degree in English Studies, Major cultural studies.

TEFL certificate.


I was teaching general English in Morocco for four years. Beside, teaching foreigners Arbic through English. And in the last two years I was in Vietnam teaching English in high school while I was giving private Arabic classes to non Arabic native speakers.

Courses by this teacher:

Arab Teacher
Arab Teachers Online

Eman Yusus (Alexandria)

EGTeacher from Egypt. Speaks Arab, English.

Mother language: Arab

About the teacher

I am a professional online Arabic and Quran teacher from Egypt. I graduated from Alexandria University which made me able to teach Arabic and Quran for Native speakers or non-native speakers. Arabic is my native language. English is the second language of my country and the language I use at work. I have work experience teaching Arabic and Quran in many centers and schools in Egypt.
I am ready to teach to adults and children the Modern Standard Arabic, Quranic Arabic (Classical Arabic) as well as Colloquial Egyptian Arabic. I can help with speaking practice, reading, writing. I use text book and extra authentic materials: videos, flash cards I use attractive tools to make interactive environment helping in learning in an easy way.


Faculty of Arts, Arabic department.
TAFL (teaching Arabic as a foreign language).
Diploma in quran tajweed.


I'm teaching online via Skype. I am ready to teach whether adult or children the Modern Standard Arabic, Quranic Arabic (Classical Arabic) as well as Colloquial Egyptian Arabic. I can help with speaking practice, reading and writing. I use text book and extra authentic materials: videos, flash cards I use attractive tools to make interactive environment helping in learning in an easy way.

Teaching is my passion and it give me the sense of fulfillment when I see my student are learning from me and I would love to share the knowledge and skill that I have acquired over the years to my students.

Courses by this teacher:

The best Arab Courses with qualified teachers:

  • Private and semi-private Arab classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop or by Skype.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings or weekends. Classes are available from 7 am to 11 pm.
  • Our Arab Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Our online Arab Teachers

Finding good online Arab Teachers is not always easy! We are here to help you find teachers that will listen to your particular needs and learning objectives. Multi-Language Cafe is designed to help you take advantage of all the conveniences offered by distance learning. Our teachers' schedules are flexible: you can book and cancel your own online classes according to your own availabilities. Classes can take place over any teleconferencing channel, such as Zoom, Skype, Hangouts, Duo, etc. You don't need to leave the comfort of your home or your office. If you need to cancel a particular class, you can do so easily using the teacher's online calendar.

Do you feel insecure about technology or anxious about taking virtual classes? Check out our guide on how to prepare for an online class. In that article we go through several actions you can take to feel more confident about taking classes online, from coordinating with the teacher about the virtual channel to use, to preparing and testing your equipment and your teleconferencing software.

Register with one of our online Arab Teachers and start taking advantage of online learning!