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Italian Teachers Online

Private and semi-private Italian classes for all levels.

Italian Teacher
Italian Teachers Online

Sara D'Isanto (Montreal)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks French, English, Other.

Mother language: Italian

About the teacher

I'm italian teacher. I offer italian language courses for all levels. For people who want to study for pleasure, for travelling or business, I can design a plan of studies according to your needs. Conversation, grammar, history, culture, culinary tradition.


- Training course in italian teaching of foreign languages - University for foreigners of Siena (Italy)
- M.A. as social worker - University of Perugia (Italy)
- High school diploma with specialisation in teacher training - High school of Perugia (Italy)


- Italian teacher for foreign people in a school of Montreal
- Italian teacher for foreign people in a school in Italy

Courses by this teacher:

Italian Teacher
Italian Teachers Online

Beatrice Bresolin (Berlin)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, French, German.

Mother language: Italian

About the teacher

Italian, 27 years old, with a passion for all forms of communication: languages and dance.


Master Degree in Language and Literature, Ca' Foscari University - Venice, Italy, 2011


Basic Italian private lessons to German speaker
Apprenticeship as Italian-as-foreign-language teacher to immigrants in primary school, Italy

Courses by this teacher:

Italian Teacher
Italian Teachers Online

Emanuel Micali (London)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, French, German.

Mother language: Italian

About the teacher

Hello, my name is Emanuel, at the moment I'm living in England and I hold a degree in Science of the Performing Arts and of Multimedia Communication. I am really into languages and culture (cinema, music and reading) and I would like to be helpful to everybody who needs to learn or improve his/her italian.


Science of the Performing Arts and of Multimedia Communication - University of Milan - 2011


I assisted teaching in a non profit group that aims to teach italian to immigrants and their children

Courses by this teacher:

Italian Teacher
Italian Teachers Online

Elisabetta Sironi (Milan)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, French, Italian.

Mother language: Italian

About the teacher

Graduate teacher, expert in adult education, over 20 years experience in languages teaching, mother tongue and/or professional level.
I live in Italy, in Milano, I'm perfectly bilingual French/Italian and I also speak English. I like reading, music listening, arts, culture and painting and teaching with active methods.


Master of Education, Ed.M. - University of Milano, Italy - 1972
Diplome de Français des Affaires - Chambre de Commerce de Paris (France) - 1990


I have been teaching Italian, French and English since 1975 in Italian Public School and in private Enterprises in Milano. My students where adults (workers, manager, hight school students).

Courses by this teacher:

Italian Teacher
Italian Teachers Online

Ellie Rojas-Baumann (Zurich)

MXTeacher from Mexico. Speaks German, English, Italian.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

Hallo! Ich bin eine Weltreisende, eine erfahrene Sprachlehrerin und eine Expertin für Sprachen & Integrales Coaching. Meine Lehrmethode ist völlig anders als das, was du bisher gekannt hast!

"Träume nicht dein Leben, lebe deinen Traum!

Ich werde all meine Ressourcen und mein Wissen einsetzen, um dich zu motivieren und dir den Weg an die Spitze deines eigenen Lebens zu erleichtern.
Ich könnte diesen Abschnitt mit der Aufzählung all meiner Auszeichnungen, Kurse, Zertifikate, Empfehlungen usw. füllen, stattdessen möchte ich nur die atomare Energiequelle in dir wecken und dir helfen, dich selbst zu verbessern!

Hello! I am a world traveller, an experienced language teacher and an expert in Integral Coaching. My teaching method is totally different from what you have ever known!

"Don't dream your life, live your dream!

I will put all my resources and knowledge to work, to motivate you and facilitate your way to the top of your own life.
I could fill this space mentioning all my awards, courses, certificates, recommendations, etc., instead I just want to awaken the atomic source of energy inside you and help you to improve yourself!

Sono una viaggiatrice, un'esperta insegnante di lingue e un'esperta di Coaching Integrale. Il mio metodo di insegnamento è totalmente diverso da quello che avete conosciuto!

"Non sognare la tua vita, vivi il tuo sogno!

Metterò a disposizione tutte le mie risorse e le mie conoscenze per motivarvi e facilitarvi il cammino verso la vetta della vostra vita.
Potrei riempire questo spazio citando tutti i miei premi, corsi, certificati, raccomandazioni, ecc... invece voglio solo risvegliare la fonte atomica di energia dentro di te e aiutarti a migliorare te stesso!


2024 Teachers English Diplom (updated certificationl)

Deutsch Lehrerin
1999 Hamburg Universität

Spanish Certified Teacher
International House Mexico (Instituto Cervantes)

M.A. Art History and Romance Languages ​​and Literature
Hamburg University
Italian Language & Italian Literature
French Language


2009-2024 Spanish, German, English, Italian & French Teacher
Mexico, NYC, Switzerland, Germany, London, New Zealand
2019. Life and Strategy Coach,

Courses by this teacher:

Italian Teacher
Italian Teachers Online

Gianluca Barbaro (Milan)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, French.

Mother language: Italian

About the teacher

Hi! I offer Music and Italian courses via Skype to anyone all over the world. In particular, I specialize in the realms of Music and Information Technology for the more advanced, but I accept beginners as well.

I am a musician from Milan, Italy and worked for many years as IT Journalist and book translator from English.


Master in Jazz Music - Civica Scuola di Musica - Milano, 2012.
Diploma di Flauto dolce - Conservatorio di Pavia - 2013.


Italian Teacher - Paris - 2015 - private students, beginners - advanced.
Italian Teacher - Milan - 2015-2019 - private students, beginners - advanced.

Music Teacher - Milan - 2010 - 2019 - University level.

Computer Music - Milan - 2012 - 2018 - University level.

Courses by this teacher:

Italian Teacher
Italian Teachers Online

Tiziana Destino (Berlin)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, French, Spanish.

Mother language: Italian

About the teacher

Ciao sono Tiziana, italiana. Sono amante della cultura e delle lingue. Sarei lieta di accompagnarti alla scoperta della lingua italiana e condividere delle ore discutendo su temi vari, dall'arte e letteratura, fino al cinema, architettura, fotografia o cucina!


PhD TU Berlin


Teaching and private tutoring of Italian in Australia. Adult students.

Courses by this teacher:

Italian Teacher
Italian Teachers Online

Alice Giulia Urso (Barcelona)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, Portuguese, French.

Mother language: Italian

About the teacher

II am a certified italian teacher. I came from Italy and I just arrived in Canda. Each course will be tailored to your needs, level and interests. Chance to do lessons in culture, history and Italian literature. I have a degree in foreign languages ​​(Portuguese) so I know the difficulties involved in learning a foreign language. My interests are literature, photography and music.


Degree in Lisnguistics mediation at University of Perugia, 2011.

I.E.L.T.S. certificate at South Thames College, London, 2012.

DITALS certificate as italian teacher for foreign people at University for Foreign Peolple of Siena, 2013.


Teaching experience at Comitato Linguistico, Perugia.

Actually I'm working for PICAI as italian teacher at St.Paul school.

Courses by this teacher:

Italian Teacher
Italian Teachers Online

Luca Giambelli (Milan)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, Japanese, Korean.

Mother language: Italian

About the teacher

My name is Luca, nice to meet you all.
I am an Italian guy from Milan. I had different experience around the world, studying and teaching. Now I am back in Italy, but I do not know for how much time.
I love teaching. I like when students ask me questions, and I like to answer them and make everyone more curious: if you are going to be passionate about something, be passionate about learning. I give all myself in learning and teaching.
I have many interests, but what I love more is the culture exchange! I like to talk with people from different countries, and know more about other culture.


Master degree in Languages and Economic and Juridical institution of East Asia at Ca' Foscari University in Venice in the 2011.


I taught Italian and Italian culture in Japan and in South Korea as private tutor. Students were always of different age and with different requests: people who wanted to know a bit of Italian just for some holiday, or people who needed more specific lesson for be able to get a language certificate.
So I have experience in teaching to beginner as well to more expert Italian students.

Courses by this teacher:

Italian Teacher
Italian Teachers Online

Isadora Bilancino (Florence)

ITTeacher from Italy. Speaks English, Spanish, Turkish.

Mother language: Italian

About the teacher

Sono italiana, ma ho vissuto all'estero per gli ultimi 10 anni. Ho insegnato principalmente a Istanbul. Adesso insegno online, inglese per italiani, italiano per stranieri e turco per italiano. Inoltre, lavoro nel campo della comunicazione e dei social media e insegno yoga

I am Isadora, I am Italian but I have been living abroad for the past 10 years. I have been teaching Italian since I moved abroad. I love languages and grammars! I speak fluent Spanish, English, Turkish and some Portuguese and German

Merhaba! Isadora ben. Italyanca, inglizce ve ispanyolca ders veriyorum. Ayni anda Digital Marketing ile ugrasiyorum. Son 3 yillardir yoga da ogretiyorum.




Dissertation title: “The European Union and its citizens: representation, attitudes and affiliation among a sample of British and Italian students”. Qualitative study on European identity


Dissertation Title: “Italian as Second Language.” First data content analysis on language acquisition among foreign people living in Italy.

Main Subjects: English, Spanish, German, Latin, Italian literature


I have been teaching Italian for foreigners and English as a Second Language for the past 10 years, mainly through private lessons. I did collaborate occasionally with some schools in Istanbul, therefore I have experience also with classes. I have been also teaching Spanish and Turkish to Italians.

My students were of all ages and all levels. I do enjoy teaching to children and motivated learners.

Courses by this teacher:

The best Italian Courses with qualified teachers:

  • Private and semi-private Italian classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop or by Skype.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings or weekends. Classes are available from 7 am to 11 pm.
  • Our Italian Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Our online Italian Teachers

Finding good online Italian Teachers is not always easy! We are here to help you find teachers that will listen to your particular needs and learning objectives. Multi-Language Cafe is designed to help you take advantage of all the conveniences offered by distance learning. Our teachers' schedules are flexible: you can book and cancel your own online classes according to your own availabilities. Classes can take place over any teleconferencing channel, such as Zoom, Skype, Hangouts, Duo, etc. You don't need to leave the comfort of your home or your office. If you need to cancel a particular class, you can do so easily using the teacher's online calendar.

Do you feel insecure about technology or anxious about taking virtual classes? Check out our guide on how to prepare for an online class. In that article we go through several actions you can take to feel more confident about taking classes online, from coordinating with the teacher about the virtual channel to use, to preparing and testing your equipment and your teleconferencing software.

Register with one of our online Italian Teachers and start taking advantage of online learning!