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Painting Teachers Online

Private and semi-private Painting classes for all levels.

Painting Teacher

About the teacher

Hello, I'm Kit. I'm a 26 year old painter. I was born in London; grew up in Sunderland, since then I've lived in Edinburgh, Copenhagen and most recently Berlin. I'm a complete beginner at German, have some Danish, and I'm adept at many varied UK dialects.


A-Level certificate in Art (Grade A), St. Aidan's Sunderland - 2006
BA (Hons) Degree in Fine Art (2:1), University of Sunderland - 2011


I have taught fellow artists from an art group in Edinburgh. Classes focused mainly on oil painting.

Courses by this teacher:

Painting Teacher
Painting Teachers Online

Carlo Grioli (New York)

Speaks English, Spanish

About the teacher

I have more than 5 years of diverse, hands-on design experience including magazine design, publishing, marketing, advertising and exhibit/event design. Creative, organized and detail-oriented designer with excellent work ethic, plus strong time management and interpersonal skills. Design itself is a passion I grew up with, I love the history of design and how it evolved. I love teaching Design History, InDesign classes, Photoshop and Illustrator and I also like to teach color theory.


I studied in the Art Institute of New York City.


I worked as a tutor at the AINYC and it was a blessing.

Courses by this teacher:

Painting Teacher
Painting Teachers Online

Marta Mandolini (Barcelona)

Speaks Italian, English, Spanish

About the teacher

Hola, mi nombre es Marta Mandolini, soy de Florencia y vivo en Barcelona.Enseñar. Estoy interesado en el arte contemporáneo, me encanta dibujar y pintar en la naturaleza y el mar. Conocer personas extranjeras y viajar es mi pasión desde siempre! He estudiado Psicologia, Artes Visuales, Coaching y Mindfulness y ayudar a la gente a encontrar su propio camino, personal y profesional, es el trabajo que hago con entusiasmo, profesionalidad y espontaneidad..

Hello, my name is Marta Mandolina, I am from Florence Italy and I live in Barcelona, Spain. I'm interested in art, I love drawing and painting in nature and along the sea side. Meeting foreign people and traveling are my passions! I have studied Psychology, Visual Arts, Coaching y Mindfulness, and helping people finding their own professional and personal development, is the work that I do with enthusiasm, professionalism and spontaneity.

Ciao, mi chiamo Marta Mandolini, sono di Firenze e vivo a Barcellona. Mi interesso di Arte, amo disegnare e dipingere nella natura e sul mare. Conoscere persone straniere e viaggiare è la mia passione da sempre! Ho studiato Psicologia, Arte, Coaching, Mindfulness Insegnare, e aiutare le persone a trovare la propria strada, personale e professionale, è l'attività che svolgo con entusiasmo, professionalità e spontaneità.


Visual Arts Diploma - Libera Accademia di Belle Arti - Florence, 2013.

Art Therapy Foundation - Certificate of Attendance - Goldsmith College, London UK, 2009.

Training Course for Trainers - Certificate of Attendance - Qualitas Florence, 2008.

Clinical and Health and Psychology - MA Degree - University of Florence, 2007.


I have taught English, Italian, Art Coaching, Psychology of the Arts, Right Brain Drawing, Intuitive Painting, Art History.
I have given class in Florence and Barcelona for private schools, Universities, Art Galleries, Libraries.
My students: children, adults, +65, teenagers, women.
Individual and group tuition.

Courses by this teacher:

Painting Teacher
Painting Teachers Online

Paola Ferri (Berlin)

Speaks German, English, Italian

Mother language: Italian

About the teacher

Ich bin Paola Ferri, italienische Künstlerin in Rom geboren. Ich besuchte die Akademie der Künste in Rom für 5 Jahre, bei Künstler Gino Marotta.

Derzeit bin Ich seit 2 Jahren Künstlehrerin in Berlin. Mit meinem Kursen, hat man die Möglichkeit, persönlichen Interessen zu vertiefen oder neue Anreizen in verschieden Kunstbereichen zu finden. Es gefällt mir, verschiedene Künstlerische Personalität zur Entwicklung dabei helfen. Aber auch einfach die Strumenten zum zeichnen und malen anbieten.

My name is Paola Ferri, Italian artist born in Rome in 1978. I attended the Academy of Arts in Rome for 5 years, by the artist Gino Marotta, taking the degree in painting and decoration. During those years I developed a deep love for oil painting, drawing and engraving. Currently I practice and teach drawing and painting.


Bachelor in Academy of fine fine arts in Rome,
Academy of fine Arts,
Rome 2001.


Before moving to Berlin, I taught classes and workshops at the Inart Studio in piazza di Spagna, in Rom. I taught drawing basics and advanced classes in Rom, as well as life drawing ( b/w - colors ) and oil painting workshops.

I also have experience in Engraving and Monoprint.

Range of students was various, from children to adults, according to the class.

Courses by this teacher:

Painting Teacher
Painting Teachers Online

Daniel Santiesteban (Santiago)

Speaks Spanish, English, Italian

About the teacher

Soy Daniel Santiesteban, artista chileno de diversos medios. Pintor de profesión, fotógrafo, arquitecto. Me gusta la docencia, enseñar a otros la expresión del arte de la pintura o la literatura. Lograr conectar y sacar lo mejor de cada estudiante. Además músico, con los ojos abiertos a cualquier expresión.


Licenciado en Bellas artes - Mención pintura - fotografía- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Licenciado en Arquitectura - Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Painting, drawing, sculpture and production of digital images. In Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo. In the university, free places and ONGs.

Courses by this teacher:

Painting Teacher
Painting Teachers Online

Tom Penney (Melbourne)

Speaks English, French

About the teacher

I am a university tutor and lecturer with five years experience teaching in fine art, design and games. I am undertaking a PhD in media and communication at RMIT University Melbourne.


Bachelor of Arts (Art) (First Class Honours), Curtin University 2010
Diploma of Creative Arts (Game Design), JMC Academy 2012
PhD (Media and Communication), RMIT University, current candidate


Curtin University, fine art studio and theory
Monash University, fine art and design theory
RMIT University, design studio (digital media), games theory

Courses by this teacher:

Painting Teacher
Painting Teachers Online

Daria Dmitrieva (Bangkok)

Speaks English, Russian

About the teacher

Hi! My name is Daria and I have been a fan of Visual Arts for a long long time now. Since I moved to Thailand I volunteered a lot in in local schools teaching arts and crafts and have finally realized that's what I really enjoy doing. Currently I am a university student in Bangkok getting a degree in Architecture. I have a background in studying Visual Arts, hosting various exhibitions and even working in the field. I would be glad to share my experience and ideas with those who are as interested and passionate about art as I am!


Basic General Secondary Education Cert., The Lyceum of Innovative Technologies, 2012;
General Secondary Education, Classical High School, 2013;
IB Diploma, Regents International School Pattaya. 2015.


Visual Arts, Russia, Elementary School;
Visual Arts and Crafts, Thailand, local schools;
Visual Arts, Thailand, KS4.

Courses by this teacher:

Painting Teacher

About the teacher

I am a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a BA in Studio Arts and minor in African American History.


BA, University of Minnesota, Studio Arts.


Summer Art Programs for the Youth - puppetry, African Dance, African History of Dance.

Courses by this teacher:

Painting Teacher
Painting Teachers Online

Leonor Beuter (Berlin)

Speaks Spanish, English, German

About the teacher

Mi nombre es Leonor Beuter y soy argentina. Estudié artes visuales, fotografía e ilustración, sin limitarme a estas disciplinas, siempre he experimentado y explorado otras áreas artísticas. He participado y dirigido proyectos artísticos multidisciplinarios basados en la creación colectiva. Resido en Berlín desde el 2013, dónde desarrollo mi actual proyecto: "El viaje del Loco".
Lo que más me gusta de enseñar es trabajar con niños. Compartir, guiar y estimular el desarrollo de sus cualidades creativas. Estar cerca de ellos, verlos jugar y abordar el proceso creativo es, a su vez, una gran inspiración para mi propio trabajo artístico. La comunicación transcultural y la búsqueda de un lenguaje universal, son los impulsores fundamentales de mi proyecto en curso, que me ha llevado a vivir y trabajar en una tierra extranjera dónde el idioma y la comunicación son permanente novedad y desafío. Me interesa aprender y enseñar lenguajes a través del juego y desarrollo de actividades creativas. Soy afín a los lenguajes simbólicos de todo tipo, especialmente al Tarot. Otros de mis intereses son el Teatro de sombras, las disciplinas corporales como el yoga o la improvisación en danza.

I am Leonor Beuter and i come from Argentina. I studied visual art, photography and illustration. Because i love to explore, i always feel free to work and experiment with other artistic disciplines. I´ve been also working in multidisciplinary projects of collective creation. I live in Berlin, here i develop my current artistic project: "The Fool´s Journey".
What i like most about teaching is to work with children. Share and guide them in the development of their own creative skills. To spend time with them and see how they play and create is a great inspiration for my own artwork. Communication between and beyond cultures and search for an universal language, are one of the fundamental motivations of my present project. That is why i decided to live in a foreing country where i had to learn a new langauge and my communication skills were challenged. I like to learn and teach languages through the development of creative activities in a playful atmosphere. I am interested in symbolic lenguages of all kind, specially in Tarot. Other subjets of my interest are shadow theater, performance, yoga and impro dance.

Ich bin Leonor Beuter, komme aus Argentinien und lebe seit 2013 in Berlin. In Buenos Aires habe ich Bildenden Künste, Photographie und Illustration studiert, arbeite und experimentiere aber auch gerne mit anderen künstlerischen Disziplinen. Neben der Teilnahme an multidisziplinären Kunstprojekten entwickelte ich hier auch mein eigenes künstlerisches Projekt: „ Die Reise des Narren“, ein interkulturelles Performance-Theaterprojekt.
Für mich ist das Unterrichten, die Arbeit, vor Allem mit Kindern, sehr motivierend, da ich hierbei die Möglichkeit habe die Kinder bei der Entwicklung ihrer eigenen kreativen Fähigkeiten zu unterstützen. Daneben ist die gemeinsam mit den Kindern verbrachte Zeit des spielerischen Lernens auch für mich eine Bereicherung und Inspiration für mein eigenes künstlerisches Schaffen. Der Schwerpunkt meiner Arbeit liegt auf der interkulturelle Kommunikation mittels Universal- bzw. Symbolsprachen, wie z.B Schattentheater, Performance, Impro-Tanz welche durch die gegebene spielerische Atmosphäre eine offene und kreative Lernumgebung schafft.


_BACHELOR of VISUAL ARTS. U.N.A. (National University of Arts). Majoring in painting under the direction of Carlos Bissolino, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2002 - 2009
_Exchange semester. Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft, Alfter near Bonn, Germany. 2012
_YOGA Education under the direction of Clara Bercovicht. Yoga teacher certificate. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2006 - 2008
_PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY. School of Professional Photography Morón, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2000 - 2002


I worked as an art and craft teacher at School in Argentina, here you can see the details:
_Craft teacher for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class. School San Luis Gonzaga, Bs As, Argentina.
Pedagogical direction of groups of 30 children. Organization and guide of creative activities, design and construction of useful objects from recycle material. 2011 - 2013
_Art teacher for students from 1st to 7th class. School San Luis Gonzaga, Bs As, Argentina.
Artistic creation afterschool course. Pedagogical direction of groups of 30- 40 children in collaboration with a second art teacher. Plan and guide of creative activities during the class. Organization of art exhibitions of the student´s production. 2012
I gave also private Photoshop lessons for adults and private art lessons for children in Argentina.
I worked also as a babysitter specialized in art and recreational activities in Argentina and Germany.

Courses by this teacher:

Painting Teacher
Painting Teachers Online

Ezgi Beyazit (Istanbul)

Speaks English, Turkish

Mother language: Turkish

About the teacher


Ben Ezgi. Çocukluğumdan beri resim dersleri alıyorum. Mimar babamın resme olan büyük ilgisi ve kapsamlı bilgisi sayesinde her zaman evde bolca kalem ve boyayla büyüdüm. Lisede ve üniversitede Güzel Sanatlar okudum. Haziran 2016 yılında Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Resim bölümünden mezun oldum.

Resim yapmayı öğrencilerime öğretirken genellikle onları sıkmamaya çalışarak, perspektif ve natürmort üzerine yoğunlaşarak başlıyorum. Sonrasında anatomi ve kompozisyon öğretiyorum. Son olarak da yağlıboya ve sanat akımlarından bahsetmeye başlıyorum. Bu noktada genelde onlara "tamam mı? devam mı?" diye sorup, bu işi hobi olarak yapmaya devam edeceklere farklı ve işi bir sonraki seviyeye taşımak isteyenlere de çok daha farklı bir tavırla işin inceliklerini anlatmaya devam ediyorum. Dünyadaki herkesin "gördüğünü çizmeyi" öğrenebileceğini düşünenlerdenim.


BA, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Stage and Costume Design Department, 2009 June.

BA, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Painting Department, 2016 June.


I've been teaching drawing to my friends when I was in High School. Afterwards I was a teacher for 6-12 aged kids with the sponsorship of Faber Castel. I had a bunch of private students, young and old.

Courses by this teacher:

The best Painting Courses with qualified teachers:

  • Private and semi-private Painting classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop or by Skype.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings or weekends. Classes are available from 7 am to 11 pm.
  • Our Painting Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Our online Painting Teachers

Finding good online Painting Teachers is not always easy! We are here to help you find teachers that will listen to your particular needs and learning objectives. Multi-Language Cafe is designed to help you take advantage of all the conveniences offered by distance learning. Our teachers' schedules are flexible: you can book and cancel your own online classes according to your own availabilities. Classes can take place over any teleconferencing channel, such as Zoom, Skype, Hangouts, Duo, etc. You don't need to leave the comfort of your home or your office. If you need to cancel a particular class, you can do so easily using the teacher's online calendar.

Do you feel insecure about technology or anxious about taking virtual classes? Check out our guide on how to prepare for an online class. In that article we go through several actions you can take to feel more confident about taking classes online, from coordinating with the teacher about the virtual channel to use, to preparing and testing your equipment and your teleconferencing software.

Register with one of our online Painting Teachers and start taking advantage of online learning!