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Spanish Teachers Online

Private and semi-private Spanish classes for all levels.

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers Online

Denis Moreno (Montreal)

VETeacher from Venezuela. Speaks Spanish, French, English.


About the teacher

Bonjour, j'espère que vous allez bien! Je viens du Venezuela, mais avant d'arriver à Montréal j'ai fait le tour du monde, en faisant connaissance de diverses cultures, façons de parler et manières de vie. Pour moi, enseigner une langue n'est pas seulement de remplacer un mot pour une autre mot, il faut comprendre et se plonger dans la culture du pays.

Hola, espero que se encuentren muy bien. Vengo de Venezuela, pero antes de llegar a Montreal le di la vuelta al mundo, conociendo diferentes culturas, formas de hablar y maneras de ver la vida. Para mi, enseñar una lengua no es solamente reemplazar una palabra por otra, es importante comprender y sumergirse en la cultura para entender mejor una lengua.


Diplômee: Maîtrise in Teaching in Higher Education
Caribbean International University

Diplôme Pédagogue Social
Université Pédagogique Libertador

Diplôme: Formation BIL Animation Interculturel
Eureka-Adi Montréal

Diplôme Creativité et Integration de langages Expresifs
Secretaire de l´education


J'ai développé mes cours autour d'une clientèle variée: adultes, enfants en éducation primaire, personnes atteintes de déficiences intellectuelles et adolescents.

J'ai enseignée aux pays suivants: Venezuela, Colombie, Mexique, Corée du Sud et Canada.

Courses by this teacher:

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers Online

Abel Fuchslocher (Montreal)

CLTeacher from Chile. Speaks Spanish, French, English.


About the teacher

Mon expérience et formation en tant qu’écrivain, journaliste et traducteur font de moi une personne idoine pour enseigner l'Espagnol, dans tous ses niveaux.

My experience and training as a writer, journalist and translator make me an ideal person to teach Spanish in all its levels.

Mi experiencia y educación como escritor, periodista y traductor me hacen una persona idónea para enseñar el español en todos sus niveles.


Certificate in Translation, English and French into Spanish. McGill University, Montreal. 2010.

Bachelor (Hons) in Journalism and Communication, Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile. 1998.

Certificate in Writing French for non-French Speakers, Université Uqàm, Montreal. 2008.


- As a Spanish proofreader, I have to keep a rich feedback with my clients. Canada. Now.

- I did Spanish writing and literature workshop to secondary students. Chile. 2005-2006.

Courses by this teacher:

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers Online

Alejandro Munoz (New York)

ESTeacher from Spain. Speaks English, Italian.


About the teacher

I am Alejandro, I love teaching Spanish because it is a way of sharing my culture and getting to know the cultures of others.
I am a very open person I like to laugh and have fun, and I think that having fun is the best way to learn a language.
My passion is writing and books, but I also love movies and series.
In addition I love to travel I have lived in 4 different countries and I have traveled many others.
I can speak English, Italian, and I am always willing to learn a few other languages.


I am a graduate in Hispanic Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid. and today I am doing a specialized master in teaching Spanish as a foreign language.


I have been working for 5 years as a Spanish teacher. I have worked in various schools in Lithuania, Poland, Japan, Czech Republic. In addition, I have been three years teaching online.

Courses by this teacher:

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers Online

Verónica Banzhaf (Buenos Aires)

ARTeacher from Argentina. Speaks German, English.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

I am a Spanish teacher from Argentina. My task is to supply you with excellent quality classes of Spanish, both entertaining and efficient, through conversation, real life activities and videos, which will enable to have a lively experience of Latin America by using the Spanish language.


I am a Spanish and Literature teacher, graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (2009). I also hold a Bachelor's degree in Spanish and Literature from the same University, with a linguistic-cultural orientation.


I have eight years of Spanish as a second language teaching experience. I worked at several private language institutes in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Daniela Wasser School, IBL, ECELA), since I was a student, teaching, creating materials and tailoring classes for different students' needs. I also have experience teaching Spanish and Literature in public high schools.

Courses by this teacher:

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers Online

Iris Casabona Sanchez (Montreal)

ESTeacher from Spain. Speaks English, French, Spanish.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

¡Hola! Me llamo Iris Casabona, vivo en Montreal y soy profesora de español. Soy española, de Barcelona. Tengo un Máster en Lingüística aplicada a la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera. Según mis compañeros soy paciente, organizada y creativa. Me gustaría trabajar de profesora de español en Montreal.


Master in Applied Linguistics: Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

Universidad de Jaén, Espagne

Year of graduation: 2012

Main fields of study:

- Approaches to Language in the Classroom
- Observation and Research in the Language
- Classroom Learning Strategies
- Assessment and Testing in the Classroom
- Developing Language Skills in the Classroom
- Content & Language Integrated Learning
- Tasks & Projects


11/2011 – 01/2014

Teacher in Spanish and Catalan as a Foreign Language

Deutsche Akademie, Centre Alemany del Vallès
Sant Cugat del Vallès. Barcelona. Spain

Courses by this teacher:

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers Online

Tatiana Mosquera (Bogota)

COTeacher from Colombia. Speaks Spanish, English, Other.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

Soy docente certificada de ELE con experiencia de más 4 años de experiencia en este campo, de forma grupal e individual, con jóvenes y adultos con diferentes niveles de conocimiento de la lengua.

Mis clases están orientadas al desarrollo de las destrezas comunicativas del estudiante, a través de actividades orales y escritas con el uso de vídeos, lecturas, etc. según el interés y las necesidades del mismo.

My name is Tatiana Mosquera I'm from Bogotá - Colombia. Spanish is my mother tongue, English is my second language but I can speak a little bit French and now I am studying German by myself. I love traveling to learn about other languages, other people, and other cultures.

My experience
I am a qualified Spanish Teacher with over 7 years teaching experience, first in Buenos Aires – Argentina and now in Bogotá, where I am living.

- How do classes work?
No matter what your level is (basic, intermediate or advanced). In every meeting online you will find an opportunity to test everything you know or to learn and practice what you need.
We can practice together through dynamic conversations: grammar vocabulary, pronunciation and more, using different resources to make the most of your time.
In other words, every class will be a really good opportunity to improve your Spanish skills.

- What can I offer you?
I am a learning languages student like you so I know how difficult is to get time to study and stay motivated. So through Cognitive Grammar, I can explain to you how to learn vocabulary faster, how to train your ears to understand Spanish and some tips to become a fluent speaker, for example.
I can provide you flexible schedules, tailored classes according to your level and needs, and all material needed. Whether you are a student, a traveler, a worker, or simply you are planning to spend your time with your family and enjoy the language with a native Spanish


1. Licenciatura en Humanidades e Idiomas de la Universidad Libre de Colombia - Bogotá. 2007.
2. Programa de Capacitación para la Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera - UBA - Buenos Aires - Argentina. 2013.
3. Especialización en la Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera en la Universidad de Jaén - España (online) en curso.


- Expanish School - Buenos Aires - Argentina - 4 años.
- Pensaris School - Buenos Aires - Argentina - 5 meses.
- Lingoda Online School - Online - 4 meses.
- Toucan Spanish School - Medellín , Colombia - 5 meses.

Courses by this teacher:

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers Online

GRACE BAYER (Melbourne)

COTeacher from Colombia. Speaks English, German.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

Hola soy Grace, Diseñadora y Artista. Me encanta enseñar español y me gusta utilizar un enfoque divertido, muy visual y practico en mis clases!! Mis clases son conversacionales y están diseñadas para personas que buscan un aprendizaje rapido y practico.

Hi I am Grace, designer and artist. I enjoy very much teaching spanish, I use a very fun, visual and practical approach. My classes are conversational classes and are designed for people looking for a fast and practical everyday language experience.


Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Germany 2010
MFA Public Art and New Artistic Strategies

Andes University Bogota, Colombia 2008
BID Industrial Design, minor in Fine Arts


I have teach before to children back home in Colombia and in Berlin and Weimar to college students. I usually have a first appointment were with the student we create a small program according to their needs. I have lived in Mexico and Spain and I am more than happy to teach expressions and make parallels from both cultures when teaching.

Courses by this teacher:

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers Online

Natalia Catan (Buenos Aires)

ARTeacher from Argentina. Speaks English, French.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Natalia Catan y soy profesora de español como lengua extranjera. Me gusta que mis clases sean divertidas e informativas. Resuelvo todas las dudas que tengas y te formo adecuadamente en español.


Licenciada en letras, UNNE, 2010.
Capacitación en español como segunda lengua, Academia Buenos Aires, 2012.
Maestría en español como segunda lengua, FUNIBER, en curso.


Experiencia en clases en institutos, privadas y por internet.

Courses by this teacher:

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers Online

Beatriz Bouza (Ottawa)

CUTeacher from Cuba. Speaks French, English, Spanish.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

I possess more than 7 years of experience in teaching as professor of Spanish grammar, Communication and Latin-American culture and Arts. Moreover, Spanish is my native language and I have goods skills in French and English which would enable me to manage a class of multicultural students.


M.S., Communication Sciences, University of Havana, Cuba, 2009
B.A., Social Communication, University of Havana, July 2004
Certificate in Marketing Strategies, Company of Services for Quality Assurance, Havana, 2011
Certificate in Marketing Foundations, Company of Services for Quality Assurance, Havana, 2011
Certificate in Services Marketing, Company of Services for Quality Assurance, 2011
Certificate in Social Problems of Science and Technology, University of Havana, 2011
Certificate in Student Advising, University of Havana, 2007
Diploma in Training of Social Workers, University of Havana, 2004
Certificate in Institutional Communication Strategies, Center of Direction Techniques Studies of the University of Havana and Marketing Applied Research Unit of the University of A Coruña, Spain, 2007


Spanish Teacher, April 2014-present

Associated Professor, September 2005-July 2012
Communication Faculty, University of Havana, Cuba

• Undergraduate and graduate courses in:
- Organizational Communication
- Organizational Culture
- Audiovisual Communication
- Visual Communication
- Advanced Communication Theories

Philology and Arts Faculty, University of Havana, Cuba
• Undergraduate courses in:
-Spanish Grammar
- Appreciation of the Arts
-Latin American Art
-Latin American Culture
-Cuban Art
-Cuban Culture
-Cuban Cinema, Music and Theater

Courses by this teacher:

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers Online

Ellie Rojas-Baumann (Zurich)

MXTeacher from Mexico. Speaks German, English, Italian.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

Hallo! Ich bin eine Weltreisende, eine erfahrene Sprachlehrerin und eine Expertin für Sprachen & Integrales Coaching. Meine Lehrmethode ist völlig anders als das, was du bisher gekannt hast!

"Träume nicht dein Leben, lebe deinen Traum!

Ich werde all meine Ressourcen und mein Wissen einsetzen, um dich zu motivieren und dir den Weg an die Spitze deines eigenen Lebens zu erleichtern.
Ich könnte diesen Abschnitt mit der Aufzählung all meiner Auszeichnungen, Kurse, Zertifikate, Empfehlungen usw. füllen, stattdessen möchte ich nur die atomare Energiequelle in dir wecken und dir helfen, dich selbst zu verbessern!

Hello! I am a world traveller, an experienced language teacher and an expert in Integral Coaching. My teaching method is totally different from what you have ever known!

"Don't dream your life, live your dream!

I will put all my resources and knowledge to work, to motivate you and facilitate your way to the top of your own life.
I could fill this space mentioning all my awards, courses, certificates, recommendations, etc., instead I just want to awaken the atomic source of energy inside you and help you to improve yourself!

Sono una viaggiatrice, un'esperta insegnante di lingue e un'esperta di Coaching Integrale. Il mio metodo di insegnamento è totalmente diverso da quello che avete conosciuto!

"Non sognare la tua vita, vivi il tuo sogno!

Metterò a disposizione tutte le mie risorse e le mie conoscenze per motivarvi e facilitarvi il cammino verso la vetta della vostra vita.
Potrei riempire questo spazio citando tutti i miei premi, corsi, certificati, raccomandazioni, ecc... invece voglio solo risvegliare la fonte atomica di energia dentro di te e aiutarti a migliorare te stesso!


2024 Teachers English Diplom (updated certificationl)

Deutsch Lehrerin
1999 Hamburg Universität

Spanish Certified Teacher
International House Mexico (Instituto Cervantes)

M.A. Art History and Romance Languages ​​and Literature
Hamburg University
Italian Language & Italian Literature
French Language


2009-2024 Spanish, German, English, Italian & French Teacher
Mexico, NYC, Switzerland, Germany, London, New Zealand
2019. Life and Strategy Coach,

Courses by this teacher:

The best Spanish Courses with qualified teachers:

  • Private and semi-private Spanish classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop or by Skype.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings or weekends. Classes are available from 7 am to 11 pm.
  • Our Spanish Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Our online Spanish Teachers

Finding good online Spanish Teachers is not always easy! We are here to help you find teachers that will listen to your particular needs and learning objectives. Multi-Language Cafe is designed to help you take advantage of all the conveniences offered by distance learning. Our teachers' schedules are flexible: you can book and cancel your own online classes according to your own availabilities. Classes can take place over any teleconferencing channel, such as Zoom, Skype, Hangouts, Duo, etc. You don't need to leave the comfort of your home or your office. If you need to cancel a particular class, you can do so easily using the teacher's online calendar.

Do you feel insecure about technology or anxious about taking virtual classes? Check out our guide on how to prepare for an online class. In that article we go through several actions you can take to feel more confident about taking classes online, from coordinating with the teacher about the virtual channel to use, to preparing and testing your equipment and your teleconferencing software.

Register with one of our online Spanish Teachers and start taking advantage of online learning!