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English Teachers in Bangkok, Thailand

Private and semi-private English classes for all levels.

English Teacher
English Teachers in Bangkok, Thailand

Nicholas Varley

GBTeacher from United Kingdom. Speaks Cantonese.

Mother language: English

About the teacher

Hi. My name is Nick Varley. I am a 51-year-old British teacher now located in Bangkok. After a varied career, including government service in the UK and Hong Kong, and ten years in various companies at senior executive level, I decided that I wanted to teach. Having gained my first degree in IT and Business Studies many years ago, I went back to university in the UK and became a fully qualified teacher of IT and Business Studies and also gained a Trinity CertTESOL teaching qualification.

After qualifying, I worked in UK secondary schools, watching IT, Business Studies and English to children aged 11-18. I also taught English to all age groups privately. I am a very outgoing person and enjoy meeting people and I find teaching very enjoyable. I can teach conversation and grammar at all levels, even up to UK GCSE level, as I did in UK schools. I am interested in computers and technology, photography, travel, reading, various sports (a lifetime Chelsea supporter!). I am married to a Thai woman and we have an 18-year-old son who is trying to get a professional football contract here in Thailand. Learning should interesting and enjoyable!


Bachelor Degree in IT and Business Studies (London University, 1984).

Trinity CertTESOL (St Mary's University, London, 2005).

PGCE Secondary in IT and Business Studies (St Mary's University, London, 2008).


I have taught English, including to GCSE level, in UK secondary schools (Chesterfield, Hull and Sheffield) to children aged 11-18.

I have English in private classes to all ages, young and old, in London, UK, and Manila, Philippines.

I have also taught Computing/IT and Business Studies, to GCSE and Advanced Level, in UK secondary schools (Hull and Sheffield) to children aged 11-18.

Courses by this teacher:

English Teacher
English Teachers in Bangkok, Thailand

Veena Puarr

SGTeacher from Singapore. Speaks English, Malay, Indonesian.

Mother language: English

About the teacher

Hi, it’s been my passionate to involve myself in programs for education improvement particularly language & learning techniques. I do actively participate in many education non-profit projects and started my own recently called Talespace.
I am from Malaysia, raised in Singapore and now leave in Bangkok. To add my mother is from Indonesia so I am able to converse in both Malay & Indonesian languages. However, English is my first language. I now teach fulltime in Bangkok and at times i do travel to teach the underprivileged communities.

Halo, saya sentiasa melibatkan diri dalam program untuk meningkatan pendidikan terutamanya teknik bahasa & pembelajaran. Saya aktif mengambil bahagian dalam projek-projek kebajikan berfokus pendidikan dan telah memulakan sebuah project kebajikan saya sendiri baru-baru ini yang dipanggil Talespace.
Saya berasal dari Malaysia, dibesarkan di Singapura dan kini bekerja di Bangkok. Menambahkan, ibu saya berasal dari Indonesia, jadi saya membesar dan boleh bercakap dalam Bahasa Melayu & Indonesia. Walau bagaimanapun, Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa pertama atau ibunda saya. Saya sekarang mengajar sepenuh masa di Bangkok dan kadang-kala saya melancong untuk mengajar masyarakat yang kurang bernasib baik.

Hai, saya sangat gembira untuk melibatkan diri dalam program untuk meningkatan pendidikan khususnya dalam bahasa dan teknik belajar. Saya secara aktifnya berpartisipasi dalam banyak proyek nirlaba pendidikan dan telah memulai saya proyek sendiri yang baru-baru ini bernama Talespace.
Saya asalnya dari Malaysia, dibesarkan di Singapura dan sekarang tinggal di Bangkok. Ibu saya berasal dari Indonesia, jadikan saya bisa berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Indonesia. Namun, Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa pertama saya. Saya sekarang mengajar senuhanya masa di Bangkok dan kadang-kadang saya pergi mengajar masyarakat kurang mampu di negara lain.


Biomedical Science, Republic Polytechnic Singapore.

TEFL, LearnTEFL United Kingdom.


English, age 4-50 yrs old (Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, Thailand).

Malay, age 8-30 yrs old (Malaysia & Singapore).

Indonesian, age 20-30 yrs old (Singapore).

Courses by this teacher:

English Teacher
English Teachers in Bangkok, Thailand

Devyd Haier

USTeacher from United States. Speaks English.

Mother language: English

About the teacher

Hello, my name is David. I teach English with NO ACCENT as English is both my FIRST and SECOND language. I am a TRUE NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER WITH NO ACCENT! I love to help people learn and improve their skills that is what life is all about. I love especially to teach ages 5-15 as these young people are the future of the world and they are so much fun and ask questions because they want to learn. I teach both 1to1 in person as well as 1to1 online. My interests are really too many to list as my passion is Life. I learned to fly when I was 13 years old, other hobbies include sailing, swimming, hiking, diving, skiing, biking, jogging, camping and anything having to do with nature and the outdoors.....The list is long as I love life and all it has to offer. I love to share what I have learned and experienced because that is how others learn. English both written and spoken is my medium for teaching and sharing. Join me as 90% of my students are with me for conversational English.

My Name is David…..
I retired from the law over 12-years ago. I started teaching English Online 12+ years ago as well as Private in home or office. I teach all levels of English and conversation to all levels of students. I teach in home/office in Bangkok, Thailand or I can teach online to those outside of Bangkok or in foreign countries. My style is to teach to the level and understanding of my students and their needs. I can change and modify my style as we progress and as need dictates. I LOVE teaching ages 5yrs to 15yrs because they are the FUTURE OF THE WORLD and need all the help they can get. English is the #1-language in the world today with over 90% of all countries using English for conversation as well as written. My online teaching style is informal as it relaxes the students allowing a friendlier approach which is very effective with younger students. I also help with Term Papers: correcting, editing and writing. Contact: ZOOM, Email, Facebook or my website.

Private Teacher -Tutor
English-อังกฤษ, Math-คณิตศาสตร์, Science-วิทยาศาสตร์
เกรด-1-12 และมหาวิทยาลัย และผู้ใหญ่
ฉันสามารถสอน 7 วันต่อสัปดาห์วันอาทิตย์หรือวันพุธ
การอ่านภาษาอังกฤษพื้นฐานการอ่าน การเขียน การสนทนา ภาษาอังกฤษ
สนใจติดต่อ: Mr.David


Grades 1 to 6: Lorene Street Elementary School-Graduated Diploma General Education
Grades 7 to 9: Northridge Junior High School-Graduated Honors Diploma in General Education
Grades 10 to 12: Monroe Senior High School-Graduated Honors Diploma in General Education
Associate of Arts: Cal State Northridge grad: 1973
Bachelor Of Arts: UCLA grad: 1977
Masters of Law: UNLV grad: 1982
Doctorate Law - Jurisprudence: UC Berkeley grad: 1988


ESL-English, Conversation, Writing, Law, Maths, Science. Business English, Aviation, Medical English, Accounting English, Law/Legal, Military English, Executive English. 14+ years in Thailand to private students aged 5-18 and above, university and adult as well as to Thai Army Officers Training Command and various corporations and executives. I have also taught many Civic, Youth and Women's organizations. I am a highly qualified Tutor with a vast knowledge of English and conversation. I am a Native English Speaker with NO ACCENT! I no longer teach on skype I ONLY teach on ZOOM.

Courses by this teacher:

The best English Courses with qualified teachers:

  • Private and semi-private English classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop or by Skype.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings or weekends. Classes are available from 7 am to 11 pm.
  • Our English Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

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    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
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    Add funds to your account

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    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!