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Literature Teachers in Florence, Italy

Private and semi-private Literature classes for all levels.

Literature Teacher

About the teacher

Salve! Mi chiamo Tania e sono una libero professionista specialista nell\'insegnamento delle lingue straniere (inglese e francese in Italia e italiano all\'estero) e delle loro culture. Ho studiato per cinque anni la letteratura e la cultura inglese e italiana presso l\'università McGill a Montreal, QC (Canada) e per altri cinque, la letteratura rinascimentale italiana presso la Johns Hopkins University a Baltimore, MD (USA), concludendo la tesi di dottorato qui a Firenze. Sono canadese di nascita ma di origini italiane. Ho una canina di sette anni e oltre ai libri che leggo sempre ed in ogni luogo, mi interessano molto i film, la musica, l\'arte e il teatro.

Hello! My name is Tania and I have been teaching foreign languages (Italian in Canada and the US, English and French in Italy) for the past eight years. I hold a Ph.D. in Romance languages and literatures (with a specialization in Italian literature of the Renaissance) from Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, MD (USA) and a Master of Arts in the same field with a sub-specialization in English literature and cultural studies from McGill University (Montreal, Canada). I have a seven year-old dog, am of Italian descent, and love books (obviously!), art, cinema, music, and theatre.


Dottorato; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2013; Magistrale; M.A., McGill University, 2008; Laurea; B.A., McGill University, 2006


Business English (adults, Siemens) - Firenze; Medical English (adults, Misericordia di Firenze) - Firenze; Conversational English (adolescents and adults) - Firenze; English as a Second Language (children) - Firenze; Italian Culture studying abroad (adolescents) - Firenze e Verona; Commedia dell'Arte - Montreal e Verona; Italian advanced conversation and composition (university undergraduates) - Baltimore; Beginners and Intermediate Italian (university undergraduates) - Baltimore e Montreal; Survey of Italian literature (university undergraduates) - Baltimore; Letteratura italiana canonica - Baltimore; Dante and the Middle Ages, teaching assistant (university undergraduates) - Montreal; Private tutoring in English, French, and Italian / Ripetizioni private d'inglese, francese e italiano - Montreal, Baltimore, Firenze; Topics in Canadian, American, and British culture (adults) - Firenze.

Courses by this teacher:

The best Literature Courses with qualified teachers:

  • Private and semi-private Literature classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop or by Skype.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings or weekends. Classes are available from 7 am to 11 pm.
  • Our Literature Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!