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Portuguese Teachers in Lisbon, Portugal

Private and semi-private Portuguese classes for all levels.

Portuguese Teacher
Portuguese Teachers in Lisbon, Portugal

Maria Loureiro

PTTeacher from Portugal. Speaks English, Spanish, Russian.

Mother language: Portuguese

About the teacher

I am a native Portuguese (Portugal) speaker. I have a passion for languages and I hold a bachelor's degree in Languages, Literatures and Cultures by the University of Lisbon, with a Major in English Studies and a Minor in Slavic Studies. I am accredited with the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English and I have studied Russian both at the University of Lisbon and at Lomonosov Moscow State University. I have experience teaching as a private English tutor.

Sou falante nativa de português (europeu). Tenho uma enorme paixão por línguas e sou licenciada em Licenciatura em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, com um Major em Estudos Ingleses e um Minor em Estudos Eslavos. Tenho o Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English. Estudo russo na Universidade de Lisboa e fiz um curso intensivo da mesma língua na Universidade Estatal de Moscovo, em 2014. Tenho experiência enquanto tutora privada de inglês.


Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English. 2012
Bachelor's Degree in Languages, Literatures and Cultures (with Major in English Studies and Minor in Slavic Studies) by the University of Lisbon


I have taught as a private English tutor in my hometown, Lisbon, Portugal. More specifically, I tutored a 5th-grader for a year, I've prepared students for the AS Level exam of Literature in English and AS Level exam of English Language, and I am currently preparing a student to take the Cambridge: English First Exam (previously know as First Certificate in English). I have helped several of my friends in their linguistic endeavours. I would love to help you too!

Courses by this teacher:

Portuguese Teacher
Portuguese Teachers in Lisbon, Portugal

Sara Silva

PTTeacher from Portugal. Speaks Portuguese, English, Spanish.

Mother language: Portuguese

About the teacher

Hey there,

I'm a 28 year old girl from Lisbon, Portugal. I have lived here all my life and I love my city. I love to teach and would like very much to share my language and my culture.

Olá a todos,

Sou uma rapariga de 28 anos que mora em Lisboa, Portugal. Sempre vivi aqui e adoro a minha cidade. Adoro ensinar e gostaria muito da oportunidade de poder partilhar a minha língua e a minha cultura.


Degree in Anthropology - University of Social Sciences of Lisbon with a Minor in English Studies.

Took a teacher training course called CAP in Portugal.

I also have a course in digital photography, it's a hobby of mine.


I have taught English to foreign students. I work freelance for a free tours guide company and I meet a lot of foreign people that ask me to teach online, so I Skype a lot. When I was in college I teached as well.

I also had a part-time job teaching little children English and in extra curricular activities in schools called AEC's in Portugal.

Courses by this teacher:

Portuguese Teacher
Portuguese Teachers in Lisbon, Portugal

Fernando Machado Silva

PTTeacher from Portugal. Speaks English, French, Spanish.

Mother language: Portuguese

About the teacher

Hi, I'm Fernando Machado Silva, born in Lisbon, and for me teaching is a part of human development, an encounter of two minds. It is not just providing some knowledge, but instigating a dialogue, as long as both, teacher and student, are willing to exchange thoughts concerning the matter at hand. Hence, it is the intensification of responsability (acting as an answeraribility) and respect. My personal interests concern literature (poetry and prose from all centuries), philosophy, performative arts (such as theater, dance, performance, etc.), cinema and most of the music genders. Other interest is translation, as a hobby but also professionally. And writing, for my blog, newspapers, specialized magazines and for my own carreer as writer and poet.

Olá, chamo-me Fernando Machado Silva, nasci em Lisboa e, para mim, ensinar trata-se de um acto de desenvolvimento humano, um encontro de duas mentes. Não é só um caso de providenciar um conhecimento, mas fomentar um diálogo, desde que ambos, professor e estudante, estejam abertos para a troca de pensamentos em torno de certas questões. Assim, é a intensificação da responsabilidade (enquanto dar resposta a alguma coisa) e do respeito. Os meus interesses pessoais são a literatura (poesia e prosa de todos os séculos), filosofia, artes performativas (teatro, dança, performance, etc,), cinema e a maior parte dos géneros musicais. Outro interesses é a tradução, como hobby mas também profissionalmente. E a escrita, para o meu blog, em jornais, revistas especializadas e para a minha carreira enquanto escritor e poeta.


Licenciatura em Estudos Teatrais (Theater Studies, Études Théatrales - Diploma, Diplome pre-Bologne), Universidade de Évora (Évora University, University d'Évora) 2004.

Mestrado em Literaturas e Poéticas Comparadas (Master in Literature and Compared Poetics, Maîtrise en Litérature et Poetiques Comparées), Universidade de Évora 2007.

Doutoramento em Filosofia Contemporânea (PhD in Contemporary Philosophy, Doctorat en Philosophie Contemporaine), Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (Humanities Faculty of Lisbon University, Faculté des Letres de la Université de Lisbonne) 2009 em curso (on going, en courant).


I have mainly taught actor training (Évora) and culture theory (Lisbon), to various people and different ages, but due to my continuous research as a PhD student and researcher in philosophy, as well as keeping a practice as a translator and writer, and a passion for languages I want to develop my teaching experience in this field.

Courses by this teacher:

Portuguese Teacher
Portuguese Teachers in Lisbon, Portugal

Mariana Martins

BRTeacher from Brazil. Speaks English.

Mother language: Portuguese

About the teacher

Aprenda Português com professora nativa sem sair de casa!

Convido a todos que queiram aprender português de forma leve e descontraída a conhecerem nossa metodologia de ensino. Direcionamos nossas aulas de acordo com a necessidade de cada aluno e produzimos material didático personalizado a partir do tema de interesse de cada um. Teremos aulas com prática de conversação, vocabulário e exercícios de compreensão oral e escrita, além dos tópicos gramaticais.


Licenciatura e Bacharelado em Língua e Literatura Portuguesa pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2014);
Pós Graduação em Estudos Portugueses na Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2016).

Bachelor's Degree in Portuguese Language and Literature from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (2014);
Post-Graduate in Portuguese Studies at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2016).


Ensino Português no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) e em Lisboa (Portugal) para estrangeiros.
Meus alunos são jovens e adultos que se interessam pela língua portuguesa, cultura e também português de negócios.

Currently, I live in Lisbon (Portugal) where I teach Portuguese for Foreigners via Skype. Until 2014 I taught Portuguese in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
My students are young and adults who are interested in Portuguese language, culture and also business Portuguese.

Courses by this teacher:

The best Portuguese Courses with qualified teachers:

  • Private and semi-private Portuguese classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop or by Skype.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings or weekends. Classes are available from 7 am to 11 pm.
  • Our Portuguese Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!