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Spanish Teachers in Dublin, Ireland

Private and semi-private Spanish classes for all levels.

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers in Dublin, Ireland

Ernesto Sánchez Castillo

MXTeacher from Mexico. Speaks English, German.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

Soy Ernesto Sánchez Castillo, de México. Tengo 12 años en la enseñanza del idioma español a niños y adultos, empleando diferentes técnicas para lograrlo con más eficiencia: imágenes, videos, canciones, etc. Nuestras clases incluirán talleres sobre gastronomía, artes escénicas, agricultura, turismo, entre otros temas interesantes.

I am Ernesto Sánchez Castillo from Mexico. I have been teaching Spanish to children and adults for 12 years, using different techniques to achieve it more efficiently: images, videos, songs, etc. Our classes will include workshops on gastronomy, performing arts, agriculture, tourism, among other interesting topics.

Ich bin Ernesto Sanchez Castillo aus Mexiko. Seit 12 Jahren unterrichte ich Kinder und Erwachsene in Spanisch, wobei ich verschiedene Techniken anwende, um es effizienter zu erreichen: Bilder, Videos, Lieder usw. Unser Unterricht wird Workshops über Gastronomie, darstellende Kunst, Landwirtschaft, Tourismus und andere interessante Themen umfassen.


Universidad Veracruzana. Facultad de Filosofía. 2010-2014


12 years of teaching experience in Mexico, Germany and currently Ireland.

Courses by this teacher:

The best Spanish Courses with qualified teachers:

  • Private and semi-private Spanish classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop or by Skype.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings or weekends. Classes are available from 7 am to 11 pm.
  • Our Spanish Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!