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Spanish Teachers in San Sebastian, Spain

Private and semi-private Spanish classes for all levels.

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers in San Sebastian, Spain

Yolanda Argüeso

ESTeacher from Spain. Speaks Spanish, English.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

Hola! Me llamo Yolanda y soy de San Sebastián aunque ahora vivo en Jaca, cerca de los Pirineos. Si quieres aprender a hablar español por amor, por trabajo o por la cultura...yo te puedo ayudar. Ofrezco conversaciones en español a aquellos que quieran aprender mi idioma de una manera divertida y además quieran aprender gramática y a expresarse en Español. Me encanta viajar, leer, hacer deporte y aprender nuevos idiomas. Anímate y contáctame!

Hi! My name is Yolanda and I am from San Sebastian although I now live in Jaca, near the Pyrenees. If you want to learn to speak spanish for love, work, culture...I can help you. I give conversations in Spanish to those who want to learn my language in a funny way and want to learn grammar and express themselves in Spanish. I love to travel, to read, to play sports and to learn new languages. Go ahead and contact me!


-Business Administration Career: Deusto University of San Sebastian (1991/1996)
-Madawaska Valley District High School (MVDHS) in Barrys Bay, Ontario, Canada: Last year bachelorship (when I was 18 years old). I lived as an exchange student with a familiy (year 1990/1991).
-High School in San Sebastian: Colegio Santa Teresa (1975/1990)


-While I lived in Canada I taught spanish to a group of 15 people aged around 30-40.
-During university I taught English at an academy to primary school kids.
-And after my university studies I taught Spanish at home for few years to children of all ages.

Courses by this teacher:

Spanish Teacher
Spanish Teachers in San Sebastian, Spain

Amaya Ugalde

ESTeacher from Spain. Speaks English, French, Italian.

Mother language: Spanish

About the teacher

Soy Amaya, profesora titulada de ELE ( español como lengua extranjera).

Adapto las clases a los intereses y necesidades específicas de cada estudiante a nivel iniciación, intermedio y avanzado.
Me encanta motivar a mis estudiantes para que sean conscientes de su progreso en cada clase.
Preparo clases amenas y reales, dando a cada estudiante un papel activo en el aprendizaje.
Enseño una base de gramática, pronunciación, escucha activa y conversación.
Pienso que el núcleo del aprendizaje del idioma español debe ser experimentar y vivir el idioma sin descuidar la gramática.

¡Estoy aquí para ayudarte a cumplir tus objetivos y pasar al siguiente nivel!

Me gusta hacer el aprendizaje práctico y real, motivando al alumno para que progrese en cada clase.


Profesora titulada de ELE ( español como lengua extranjera).
Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes. 2021.


Tengo experiencia como profesora de español en una ong española.
He dado clases particulares a numerosos estudiantes de español en nivel iniciación, intermedio y avanzado, clases presenciales y online.
He preparado a algunos alumnos a obtener el certificado A1- 12/ B1-B2 y C1, con resultado satisfactorio.

Courses by this teacher:

The best Spanish Courses with qualified teachers:

  • Private and semi-private Spanish classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop or by Skype.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings or weekends. Classes are available from 7 am to 11 pm.
  • Our Spanish Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!