Multi-Language Cafe
Multi-Language Cafe
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Taux horaires (CAD $ / USD $)

1 étudiant$25.99 [~$18.99]
2 étudiants$19.99 [~$14.60]
3 étudiants ou plus$14.99 [~$10.95]


Food and weight loss

Description du cours :

A delicious course on food and weight loss. We all know that exercise is important for weight loss, however what we eat (and don't eat) has a profound influence on our digestion and body composition. This course will look at the vocabulary of food: proteins, carbohydrates and good fats. We will also

Méthode d'enseignement :

We will use role play and games to see first hand how the body digests food. There will be visual pictures and models that the students will use to have a better understanding of the basic concepts of food, digestion, and weight loss.

Programme du cours :

This is a basic program for all levels and no prior knowledge in food and weight loss is needed.

Endroits où il est possible de suivre ce cours :

Cours de sport, Montreal

Café: Patisseries Goplana
2580 rue Centre, Montreal QC H3K 2Z6
Cours de sport, Montreal

Café: Ma Tante Quiche
2194 rue Centre, Montreal QC H3K 1J4
Cours de sport, Montreal

Lieu public: Bibliothèque Saint-Charles
1050, rue d'Hibernia, Montreal QC H3K 1N9
Cours de sport, Montreal

Café: Ma Tante Quiche
2194 rue Centre, Montreal QC H3K 1J4
Cours de sport, Montreal

Un lieu public suggéré par vous

Taux horaires Taux horaires :

Taux horaires par étudiant :

1 étudiantCAD $25.99 [~USD $18.99]
2 étudiantsCAD $19.99 [~USD $14.60]
3 étudiants ou plusCAD $14.99 [~USD $10.95]

* Plus frais d'administration de CAD $5.00 par leçon (par étudiant)
* Frais d'achat d'une leçon unique : CAD $5.00 (par étudiant)

Choix de durée des leçons :

En ligne : Non-disponible

En personne: 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes

Ce cours vous intéresse?

  • Présentez-vous ou votre groupe au professeur
  • Réservez vos propres leçons
  • Apprenez à votre rythme

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Salim Remtulla

Langues parlées : Anglais, Français, Hindi

À propos du professeur

Salim is a multilingual Certified Individual Exercise Trainer, and Certified Group Fitness Instructor at the YMCA at Guy-Favreau, Pointe-Saint-Charles, and downtown Montreal. Salim will personalize your workouts based on your current fitness knowledge, level and on your desire for success!

A certified Massage Therapist at Clinique Ocean Zen Montreal and student in Kinesiology, with Salim you will learn anatomy, physiology, exercise science, nutrition and weight loss concepts. Salim will provide you with incredible support to reach your exercise and fitness goals! So come on, let's get to it!

Entraîneur privé certifié, Salim est un instructeur de plusieurs cours de groupe au YMCAs Guy Favreau, Pointe-Saint-Charles, ainsi qu'au centre-ville de Montréal.

Salim personnalisera votre entraînement en fonction de votre condition physique actuelle et en fonction de vos motivations.

Massothérapeute agréé à la Clinique Océan Zen Montréal et étudiant en Kinésiologie, Salim vous apprendra les bonnes techniques et vous aidera à optimiser votre temps d'entraînement. Vous recevrez un soutien incroyable pour atteindre vos objectifs. Allez hop... 1-2-3 Let's go!


Certified Swedish Massage Therapist Kine-Concept 2013, Canadian Fitness Professionals Canfitpro Certified Personal Trainer 2011, Pre and Post Natal Fitness 2013, Certified Group Fitness Instructor YMCA 2013 Tonus, Fitness Kickboxing Canada 2013, Yogafit 2012, Zumba 2013, Université de Québec à Montréal student in Bachelor of Science Kinesiology


Salim is currently a Canadian Fitness Professionals Professional Trainer (canfitpro PRO TRAINER) to teach the subjects of Personal Training, CPR and AED, and Nutrition and Weightloss in French and English. These subjects include anatomy, physiology, exercise science and you need no prior knowledge.

If you have no background in these topics feel free to contact Salim, and he will present the material in a fun and useful manner. If you are an advanced student, Salim will insure that you have a good challenge!

Salim is also a Personal Trainer at the YMCAs of Quebec, and has taught group fitness courses in Tonus, Bootcamps, Yoga, and Cardio Kickboxing for individials ranging from beginners who have never had exercise experience to advanced participants.

If you are looking to learn more about health and fitness and sports, contact Salim today, no matter what your educational background or fitness level, beginner or advanced, Salim speaks a number of languages to help you achieve

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Cours de sport >

Cours de sport à Montreal >

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