Multi-Language Cafe
Multi-Language Cafe
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Aprender fotografía Berlín
Cursos de fotografía en Berlín / En línea

Fotografie workshop

Profesor: Dario Spoto (Berlín)

Habla Italiano, Inglés, Alemán


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Tarifas horarias (EUR € / USD $)

1 estudiante€35.00 [~$37.60]
2 estudiantes€20.00 [~$21.49]
3 estudiantes o más€20.00 [~$21.49]

Aprender fotografía

Fotografie workshop

(Photography workshop)

Descripción del curso:

Der Workshop wird auf Sie fokussiert werden und ein Projekt werden Sie mit meinen Nachhilfeunterricht zu machen. Wir werden durch die Geschichte, die technischen Aspekte zu gehen, der Überprüfung Ihrer Bilder und versuchen, um ein Projekt, eine Geschichte, die Sie erzählen möchten.

The workshop will be focused on you and a project you will make with my tutoring. We will go through history, technical aspects, reviewing your pictures. During the workshop you will learn how to tell a story using photography.

Il workshop sarà basato attorno a voi e al vostro progetto fotografico. Passeremo dalla storia ai grandi nomi della fotografia, dagli aspetti meramente tecnici al revisionare il vostro lavoro. Nel corso del workshop imparerete come raccontare una storia, usando la fotografia.

Método de enseñanza:

The workshop will start with a portfolio reading, we will get to know each other using photography. We will focus on some world known photographers and we will analyze them in order to obtain conceptual and practical tools to build our project. Each of the attendees will go through the process of the creation of a project, research, try outs, revisions. The practical part is the most important one, by your own and in the class with me and other students (if we will be in groups).

Plan de curso:

The workshop has as aim to give the tools to the attendees to communicate through photography. Photography is a language and, as any language, it can be learned. This workshop doesn't focus on make you become an artist but to learn how to communicate with a series of picture, tell stories. Instead of the alphabet we will learn what is an aperture, shutter speed, composition. We will learn how to use colors and how to pre work and postproduct black and white. We will get to know who are the greatest photographer, why and how to use what they achieved for our projects. All the class is based on your personal project that you will develop with my tutoring. It will be fun, it will be hard, you will have to push yourselves beyond your limits sometimes. At the end of the workshop you are going to have the knowledge of how to use a camera, and not just to take a nice picture.

Lugares donde puede tomar este curso:

Clases de fotografía, Berlin

Café: NEST CAFE - Görlitzer Str. 52
Görlitzer Str. 52, 10997, Berlin
Clases de fotografía, Berlin

Lugar público: Kottbusser Tor
Skalitzer str.135
Clases de fotografía, Berlin

Un lugar público sugerido por usted

Clases de fotografía, Berlin

A domicilio

Clases de fotografía, Berlin

En su oficina

Tarifas horarias Tarifas horarias:

Tarifas horarias por estudiante:

1 estudianteEUR €35.00 [~USD $37.60]
2 estudiantesEUR €20.00 [~USD $21.49]
3 estudiantes o másEUR €20.00 [~USD $21.49]

* Mas cuota administrativa de EUR €3.00 por clase (por estudiante)
* Cuota por compra de una clase única: EUR €3.00 (por estudiante)

Opciones de duración de las clases:

En línea: No disponible

En persona: 60, 90, 120, 180 minutos

¿Le interesa este curso?

  • Establezca contacto con el profesor
  • Reserve sus propias clases
  • Aprenda a su propio ritmo

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Dario Spoto

Idiomas hablados: Italiano, Inglés, Alemán

Acerca del profesor

I am a professional photographer. My main focus is photojournalism and art. I am also involved in movies, cinempatography and directing. I have a bachelor in Fine Arts and I have been studying in Italy, Poland and Germany. I would love to teach people about photography in a historical and conceptual way and practice it on the street or in studios, developing one or more personal project with my tutoring. It happened already in past to teach people photography and many times those people turned in great and passionate photographers. This is my aim: to give to someone the opportunity to push him\herself and start to communicate through the media of photography.


Bachelor in Fine Arts, Accademy of Fine Arts of Catania, 2014.


I taught in many workshops to groups and also one to one. I have been teaching mostly in Italy and to any kind of people, from students to workers, artists, teachers.

Cursos ofrecidos por éste profesor:

Aprender fotografía: Fotografie workshop

¿Cómo funciona?

  • Paso 1

    Inscríbase al curso de su elección

    • Establezca contacto con el profesor
    • Escoja un lugar de la lista propuesta
  • Paso 2

    Deposite fondos en su cuenta

    • Use su tarjeta de crédito o PayPal para añadir fondos a su cuenta
    • Sus fondos sirven para cualquier curso, con cualquier profesor
  • Paso 3

    ¡Reserve sus clases!

    • Reserve cada clase en el calendario del curso
    • Preséntese al lugar de la clase y comience su aprendizaje!

¿Le interesa este curso?

  • Establezca contacto con el profesor
  • Reserve sus propias clases
  • Aprenda a su propio ritmo

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