Multi-Language Cafe
Multi-Language Cafe
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Tarifas horarias (CAD $ / USD $)

1 estudiante$60.00 [~$43.83]
2 estudiantes$35.00 [~$25.57]
3 estudiantes o más$25.00 [~$18.26]

Aprender diseño 2D

Introduction to Illustrator

Descripción del curso:

Students will learn how to use Illustrator functions, tools and effects, allowing them to create posters, flyers, web graphics and various marketing material. They will know the basic shortcut keys and basic techniques necessary to work fast and efficiently.

Método de enseñanza:

Classes are optimized with the student’s goal in mind. They can choose to tailor their class according to whether they would like to use Illustrator for print, web, multimedia, video games, film or social media.

Plan de curso:

- The student will learn how to create, set up and save documents
- The student will have an understanding of the tools and shortcut keys
- The student will learn to manipulate layer, layer effects, blending modes and other layer options
- The student will learn to organize Illustrator files
- The student will be equipped to do a full project using Illustrator
- The student will have an understanding of symbols and animation techniques that are available in illustrator

Lugares donde puede tomar este curso:

Clases de diseño gráfico, Ottawa

Un lugar público sugerido por usted

Clases de diseño gráfico, Ottawa

A domicilio

Clases de diseño gráfico, Ottawa

En su oficina

Tarifas horarias Tarifas horarias:

Tarifas horarias por estudiante:

1 estudianteCAD $60.00 [~USD $43.83]
2 estudiantesCAD $35.00 [~USD $25.57]
3 estudiantes o másCAD $25.00 [~USD $18.26]

* Mas cuota administrativa de CAD $5.00 por clase (por estudiante)
* Cuota por compra de una clase única: CAD $5.00 (por estudiante)

Opciones de duración de las clases:

En línea: No disponible

En persona: 60, 90, 120, 180 minutos

¿Le interesa este curso?

  • Establezca contacto con el profesor
  • Reserve sus propias clases
  • Aprenda a su propio ritmo

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Steve Hutchison

Idiomas hablados: Francés, Inglés

Acerca del profesor

I teach with the student’s goal and expectations in mind. Teaching is a chance for me to share my experience and discoveries, and to see someone evolve from them. It warms my heart to see students turn their curiosity into passion as they learn, and their vision into a tangible product.

I am a freelancer for various video game distribution and development companies. I work with different outsourcers and with programmers from different countries. I own a web design and video game firm and am a film critic.

During my career, I managed, integrated and created art for PacMan, Bejeweled 1&2, Tetris, Street Fighter 2, Skip-Bo, classic Disney games and about thirty other titles on different platforms, namely XBox, Playstation, iPhone, Android, Virgin Galactic technologies, airplane, hospital and prison consoles, for Archos, PC and embedded Flash. I am both a print and screen designer, having studied in graphic design, multimedia and 3D Animation with a focus on filmmaking.


2007 - DEC, 3D animation, La Cité collégiale, Ottawa, ON
1999 - DEP, graphic design, Compétences Outaouais, Gatineau, QC
1999 - Certificate in multimedia (90h), Compétences Outaouais, Gatineau, QC


La Cité collégiale, 3D Animation, Ottawa
Teacher in image processing, texturing and matte painting
Taught Photoshop, Maya, texture, matte painting and initiated to graphic design techniques; for a semester

Cursos ofrecidos por éste profesor:

Aprender diseño 2D: Introduction to Illustrator

¿Cómo funciona?

  • Paso 1

    Inscríbase al curso de su elección

    • Establezca contacto con el profesor
    • Escoja un lugar de la lista propuesta
  • Paso 2

    Deposite fondos en su cuenta

    • Use su tarjeta de crédito o PayPal para añadir fondos a su cuenta
    • Sus fondos sirven para cualquier curso, con cualquier profesor
  • Paso 3

    ¡Reserve sus clases!

    • Reserve cada clase en el calendario del curso
    • Preséntese al lugar de la clase y comience su aprendizaje!

¿Le interesa este curso?

  • Establezca contacto con el profesor
  • Reserve sus propias clases
  • Aprenda a su propio ritmo

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