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Learn Literature Florence
Cours de littérature à Florence / En ligne

L'esperienza anglo/americana dell'Italia

Professeur: Tania Zampini (Florence)

Parle Anglais, Français, Italien


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Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)

1 étudiant€15.00 [~$16.08]
2 étudiants€10.00 [~$10.72]
3 étudiants ou plus€7.00 [~$7.50]

Learn Literature

L'esperienza anglo/americana dell'Italia

(The Anglo/American Experience of Italy)

Description du cours :

Un panorama della letteratura inglese e americana scritta in o avendo come soggetto principale l'Italia; un viaggio letterario che parte nel tardo Settecento con i poeti Romantici quali John Keats e Lord Byron e che arriva al primo Novecento con James Joyce e Ernest Hemingway.

This course will explore the writings of British and American ex-pats during time spent in Italy. This literary voyage will begin in the late 18th century, with the Romantic poets (Johns Keats and Lord Byron) and will dock in the early 20th century experiences of James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway.

Méthode d'enseignement :

This course aims not only to familiarize students with canonical English literature a product of an Italian setting, but will also examine other artistic movements equally influenced by the Mediterranean peninsula (art, music). It also sees as a secondary goal, the acquisition of English language through literary analysis.

Endroits où il est possible de suivre ce cours :

Cours de littérature, Florence

Bibliothèque: Biblioteca delle Oblate
Via Dell'Oriuolo, 26 (Firenze, FI, 50122)
Cours de littérature, Florence

Café: Mama's Bakery
Via della Chiesa, 34R (Firenze, FI, 50125)
Cours de littérature, Florence

Un lieu public suggéré par vous

Cours de littérature, Florence

À domicile

Cours de littérature, Florence

À votre bureau

Taux horaires Taux horaires :

Taux horaires par étudiant :

1 étudiantEUR €15.00 [~USD $16.08]
2 étudiantsEUR €10.00 [~USD $10.72]
3 étudiants ou plusEUR €7.00 [~USD $7.50]

* Plus frais d'administration de EUR €3.00 par leçon (par étudiant)
* Frais d'achat d'une leçon unique : EUR €3.00 (par étudiant)

Choix de durée des leçons :

En ligne : Non-disponible

En personne: 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes

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Tania Zampini

Langues parlées : Anglais, Français, Italien

À propos du professeur

Salve! Mi chiamo Tania e sono una libero professionista specialista nell\'insegnamento delle lingue straniere (inglese e francese in Italia e italiano all\'estero) e delle loro culture. Ho studiato per cinque anni la letteratura e la cultura inglese e italiana presso l\'università McGill a Montreal, QC (Canada) e per altri cinque, la letteratura rinascimentale italiana presso la Johns Hopkins University a Baltimore, MD (USA), concludendo la tesi di dottorato qui a Firenze. Sono canadese di nascita ma di origini italiane. Ho una canina di sette anni e oltre ai libri che leggo sempre ed in ogni luogo, mi interessano molto i film, la musica, l\'arte e il teatro.

Hello! My name is Tania and I have been teaching foreign languages (Italian in Canada and the US, English and French in Italy) for the past eight years. I hold a Ph.D. in Romance languages and literatures (with a specialization in Italian literature of the Renaissance) from Johns Hopkins University, in Baltimore, MD (USA) and a Master of Arts in the same field with a sub-specialization in English literature and cultural studies from McGill University (Montreal, Canada). I have a seven year-old dog, am of Italian descent, and love books (obviously!), art, cinema, music, and theatre.


Dottorato; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 2013; Magistrale; M.A., McGill University, 2008; Laurea; B.A., McGill University, 2006


Business English (adults, Siemens) - Firenze; Medical English (adults, Misericordia di Firenze) - Firenze; Conversational English (adolescents and adults) - Firenze; English as a Second Language (children) - Firenze; Italian Culture studying abroad (adolescents) - Firenze e Verona; Commedia dell'Arte - Montreal e Verona; Italian advanced conversation and composition (university undergraduates) - Baltimore; Beginners and Intermediate Italian (university undergraduates) - Baltimore e Montreal; Survey of Italian literature (university undergraduates) - Baltimore; Letteratura italiana canonica - Baltimore; Dante and the Middle Ages, teaching assistant (university undergraduates) - Montreal; Private tutoring in English, French, and Italian / Ripetizioni private d'inglese, francese e italiano - Montreal, Baltimore, Firenze; Topics in Canadian, American, and British culture (adults) - Firenze.

Cours offerts par ce professeur :

Learn Literature: L'esperienza anglo/americana dell'Italia

Learn Literature: Inglese tramite TV

Learn Literature: Il canzoniere francese

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