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Cours de littérature : Florence, Italie

Professeurs de littérature Florence
Cours de littérature à Florence / En ligne

Il canzoniere francese

La chanson française

Professeur: Tania Zampini (Florence)

Parle Anglais, Français, Italien

Détails du cours | S'inscrire

Esaminando i testi e i generi musicali adottati dai cantautori francesi dal primo Novecento ad oggigiorno, questo corso propone un'introduzione alla musica francese e un primo approccio a vari temi della storia e della cultura francese.

Exploring the lyrics and musical genres of early twentieth-century to contemporary French authors, this course aims to introduce students to French music and to familiarise them with various themes of French history and culture.

With its focus on culture through music, this course offers an interdisciplinary approach to language learning and the instruction of French history.

Leçons en personne :

Biblioteca delle Oblate
Via Dell'Oriuolo, 26 (Firenze, FI, 50122)
Mama's Bakery
Via della Chiesa, 34R (Firenze, FI, 50125)
À domicile
À votre bureau
Dans un lieu public

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Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)

1 étudiant€15.00 [~$16.12]
2 étudiants€10.00 [~$10.74]
3 étudiants ou plus€7.00 [~$7.52]
Professeurs de littérature Florence
Cours de littérature à Florence / En ligne

Inglese tramite TV

English via Sitcom

Professeur: Tania Zampini (Florence)

Parle Anglais, Français, Italien

Détails du cours | S'inscrire

Imparate l'inglese guardando la TV americana, canadese e inglese. Imparate a riconoscere le differenze negli accenti anglosassoni attraverso il mondo e nel gergo locale usato nei paesi anglosassoni.

Learn English by watching American, Canadian, and British television series. Learn to recognize and differentiate English accents from around the world and different varieties of English slang. You will be able to speak like a British or American local after this course!

This course uses mainstream (and independent) television programs to connect learners to English in a fun and relevant context. It uses current conversational techniques and encourages real interaction with the idiosyncrasies of English language rather than a strict focus on grammar.

Leçons en personne :

Biblioteca delle Oblate
Via Dell'Oriuolo, 26 (Firenze, FI, 50122)
Mama's Bakery
Via della Chiesa, 34R (Firenze, FI, 50125)
À domicile
À votre bureau
Dans un lieu public

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Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)

1 étudiant€15.00 [~$16.12]
2 étudiants€10.00 [~$10.74]
3 étudiants ou plus€7.00 [~$7.52]
Professeurs de littérature Florence
Cours de littérature à Florence / En ligne

L'esperienza anglo/americana dell'Italia

The Anglo/American Experience of Italy

Professeur: Tania Zampini (Florence)

Parle Anglais, Français, Italien

Détails du cours | S'inscrire

Un panorama della letteratura inglese e americana scritta in o avendo come soggetto principale l'Italia; un viaggio letterario che parte nel tardo Settecento con i poeti Romantici quali John Keats e Lord Byron e che arriva al primo Novecento con James Joyce e Ernest Hemingway.

This course will explore the writings of British and American ex-pats during time spent in Italy. This literary voyage will begin in the late 18th century, with the Romantic poets (Johns Keats and Lord Byron) and will dock in the early 20th century experiences of James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway.

This course aims not only to familiarize students with canonical English literature a product of an Italian setting, but will also examine other artistic movements equally influenced by the Mediterranean peninsula (art, music). It also sees as a secondary goal, the acquisition of English language through literary analysis.

Leçons en personne :

Biblioteca delle Oblate
Via Dell'Oriuolo, 26 (Firenze, FI, 50122)
Mama's Bakery
Via della Chiesa, 34R (Firenze, FI, 50125)
À domicile
À votre bureau
Dans un lieu public

Ajouter à ma liste Ajouter à ma liste

Taux horaires (EUR € / USD $)

1 étudiant€15.00 [~$16.12]
2 étudiants€10.00 [~$10.74]
3 étudiants ou plus€7.00 [~$7.52]


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  • Nos Professeurs de littérature personnalisent leurs cours selon vos besoins et vos objectifs.

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