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Multi-Language Cafe
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Cours de programmation : Dublin, Irlande

This course assumes you have covered the details in the previous courses (a programming level at least past object oriented principles).

It will cover how to write an MVC application, they implied layers involved and how to separate them into actual physical layers in the software.

Assuming a basic understanding of programming concepts obtained from the previous course. We will build on that here by explaining what MVC is, and how such a program is structured. Introducing basic design patterns (generic repository, dependency injection etc.) and explaining when they should be used. We will take a look at entity framework as the data access layer, and how to separate that out, and also how to separate out domain (business), service (Web API), and UI layers.

Leçons en personne ou en ligne :

The Gate Bar
155 Crumlin Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 15, Ireland
Sheary's Bar & Lounge
1 Bangor Dr, Crumlin, Dublin 12, Ireland
En ligne
En ligne

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Taux horaires (GBP £ / USD $)

1 étudiant£25.00 [~$31.39]
2 étudiants£22.00 [~$27.62]
3 étudiants ou plus£18.00 [~$22.60]

This course will follow the college course syllabus.

1st years: The concepts of data types, tables, relationships, basic queries and query types.
2nd years: Much more detail on database design considerations (ERD's, Normalisation, Indexing, Performance etc.).

My course is designed to help people who recognise they are having difficulty with understanding database principles at an early enough stage that they can be helped. So not for people to take the week prior to an exam.

I will help you identify your weakness and overcome them as I have a unique ability to explain technical concepts in a variety of easy to understand ways. It is also tied back directly to whatever course syllabus you are following so it becomes directly relevant to the exams.

Leçons en personne ou en ligne :

The Gate Bar
155 Crumlin Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 15, Ireland
Sheary's Bar & Lounge
1 Bangor Dr, Crumlin, Dublin 12, Ireland
En ligne
En ligne

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Taux horaires (GBP £ / USD $)

1 étudiant£25.00 [~$31.39]
2 étudiants£22.00 [~$27.62]
3 étudiants ou plus£18.00 [~$22.60]

This course will be very flexible and we can start at any desired stage and walk you through any part of the subject matter. Want to only know more about Generics? Why go through the basics? The general syllabus is only intended as an example of what could be covered.

My course is designed to both help people new to C# and to help you become a better developer generally.

I will help you identify your weakness and overcome them as I have a unique ability to explain technical concepts in a variety of easy to understand ways. It is also tied back directly to whatever other course syllabus you are following so it becomes directly relevant to your exams.

Leçons en personne ou en ligne :

The Gate Bar
155 Crumlin Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 15, Ireland
Sheary's Bar & Lounge
1 Bangor Dr, Crumlin, Dublin 12, Ireland
En ligne
En ligne

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Taux horaires (GBP £ / USD $)

1 étudiant£25.00 [~$31.39]
2 étudiants£22.00 [~$27.62]
3 étudiants ou plus£18.00 [~$22.60]
Cours de programmation
Leçon d'essai 75% de rabais!


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* Vos fonds peuvent s'appliquer à n'importe quel cours.

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