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Piano Courses

Piano Teachers Berlin
Piano Courses in Berlin / Online

der Klavierunterricht

Piano lessons

Teacher: Kristin Patterson (Berlin)

Speaks English

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Ich bin eine amerikanische Lehrerin mit einem Master in Musik. Ich verfüge über 15 Jahre Erfahrung und ich unterrichte jung und alt.

I am an American music teacher with a Masters in music. I have over 15 years of teaching experience. I teach all ages and all genres.

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I have an easygoing, fun and progressive style of teaching!

pleased with herClaudia, Berlin
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Public place

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€45.00 [~$46.46]
2 students€30.00 [~$30.97]
3 students or more€30.00 [~$30.97]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 25% Off!
Piano Teachers Budapest
Piano Courses in Budapest / Online

Zongora órák

Piano lessons

Teacher: Ana Šostar (Budapest / Online)

Speaks English, Croatian, Hungarian

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Oktatom a klasszikus zenét és más stílusokat is. Tapasztalatom van minden korosztály oktatásában, 4-től egészen 70 éves korig. Tanítok kezdőket és haladókat is, akik szeretnék fejleszteni képességeiket.
Van egy zongorám a lakásomban, de szívesen jövök Önhöz, vagy tartok online órákat is.

I am here to help you learn or improve your piano skills! :) I teach various genres apart from classical music, at any skill level. I have a piano at my apartment, but I would happily come to teach also at your home or online.

Tu sam da vam pomognem naučiti svirati klavir ili unaprijediti vaše već stečene vještine. Osim klasične glazbe, poučavam različite žanrove, sve dobne skupine. Imam klavir u svom stanu, ali također ću rado doći podučavati na vašu adresu ili online.

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I am one very supportive piano teacher whose main goal is to help you love music and piano playing and enjoy your time with the instrument! :) I am here to help you learn or improve your piano skills. I teach various genres apart from classical music, at any skill level. I am here to show you that learning piano can be easy and fun with the right approach. I look forward to work together with you!


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Hourly rates (HUF Ft / USD $)

1 studentFt11,200.00 [~$28.63]
2 studentsFt6,000.00 [~$15.34]
3 students or moreFt4,000.00 [~$10.22]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Piano Teachers Berlin
Piano Courses in Berlin / Online


Piano Experience

Teacher: Marcos Moguilevsky (Berlin / Online)

Speaks Spanish, English, Portuguese

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KLAVIERUNTERRICHT in Kreuzberg Hallo, mein Name ist Marcos Moguilevsky, ich bin ein argentinischer Pianist und Komponist. Ich biete Klavierunterricht an (online oder persönlich) Daran können wir arbeiten: - Jazzpiano, Improvisation, Harmonie, Solotranskriptionen. - Klassisches Repertoire und Technik

PIANO LESSONS in Kreuzberg
Hi, my name is Marcos Moguilevsky , I'm an argentinian pianist and composer.
I'm offering Piano Lessons (online or face-to-face)
We can work on:
- Jazz Piano, Improvisation, Harmony, Solo Transcriptions. Classical repertoire and technique.Rock songs and arrangements

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I have been a piano teacher for more than 15 years, as well as being a professional musician and sessionist.

My teaching is based on the technical formulas of the master Vicenzo Scaramuzza, which develop the virtuosity of the instrument and the perfect relaxation of the body when playing.

Classes can be for people who are just starting out or for intermediate and advanced musician

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€40.00 [~$41.30]
2 students€35.00 [~$36.13]
3 students or more€30.00 [~$30.97]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 25% Off!
Piano Teachers Berlin
Piano Courses in Berlin / Online


Piano Lessons

Teacher: Mario Verandi (Berlin)

DETeacher from Germany. Speaks English, German, Spanish.

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Es sind alle Altersgruppen willkommen. Von Klassik bis Jazz ist alles im Repertoire enthalten. Gerne richte ich mich im Unterricht nach Ihren persönlichen Musikwunschen.

All age groups are welcome. The repertoire includes everything from classical to jazz. I am happy to tailor my lessons to your personal musical wishes.

Personas de todas las edades son bienvenidas. El repertorio incluye desde música clásica hasta jazz. Organizo las clases de acuerdo a tus deseos musicales.

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My aim is to inspire each of my students with the magic of music. I place great value on fun, patience, technique and expression.

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€60.00 [~$61.94]
2 students€55.00 [~$56.78]
3 students or more€50.00 [~$51.62]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Piano Teachers Berlin
Piano Courses in Berlin / Online

Klavierunterricht Online

Piano Lessons Online

Teacher: Joshua Tindall (Berlin / Online)

Speaks English

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Sie möchten lernen, wie man Klavier spielt, haben aber einen vollen Stundenplan oder einfach keine englischsprachigen Klavierlehrer in Ihrer Nähe? Suchen Sie nicht weiter! Ich bin ein in Deutschland lebender australischer Musiklehrer, der Klavierunterricht per Videoanruf anbietet.

Wanting to learn how to play the piano but have a full schedule or simply no English speaking piano teachers in your area? Look no further! I'm an Australian music teacher living in Germany who's been teaching since 2014 in various countries. Thought about trying piano lessons via video call?

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Whether you're preparing for exams or want to learn for fun, I focus on teaching the skills needed to help you play anything you want rather than teaching song by song. Using methods such as Wunderkeys provides students with a fun and engaging way to learn piano by concentrating on the skills they need to play along to their favourite songs and have the confidence to play (and sing) with their friends and family.

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Public place

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€60.00 [~$61.94]
2 students€50.00 [~$51.62]
3 students or more€40.00 [~$41.30]
Piano Teachers London
Piano Courses in London / Online

Piano lessons

Clases de piano

Teacher: Mario Ahijado (London)

Speaks English, Spanish

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Piano lessons in London. Beginners to Advance. Jazz and Classical music.

Clases de piano de Londres. Todos los niveles y estilos

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In an teach all styles. I have finished both Bachelors Classical and jazz.
Enthusiastic, patient, experienced and easy-going

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Public place

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Hourly rates (GBP £ / USD $)

1 student£30.00 [~$37.16]
2 students£40.00 [~$49.54]
3 students or more£40.00 [~$49.54]
Piano Teachers Brescia
Piano Courses in Brescia / Online



Teacher: Valerie Wellington (Brescia / Online)

Speaks English

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la mia classe di pianoforte impartirà lezioni private di pianoforte agli studenti. Per insegnare userò il libro di metodo, con esercizi esterni aggiuntivi per suonare il pianoforte. Ho il mio sistema per insegnare, e puoi provare la mia prima lezione prima di accettare di continuare.

my piano class will teach private piano lesson to students. I will use method book to teach, with additional external exercises for piano playing. I have my own system to teach, and you can try out my first lesson before agreeing to continue.

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I adapt to different kids in a different way. I have a student of age 6 and also 70, and both students enjoy my teaching.
I describe the way of playing the piano in an interesting, approachable way, sometimes with story, most of the time with real-life story that connects to music.

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Public place

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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€85.00 [~$87.75]
2 students€80.00 [~$82.59]
3 students or more€75.00 [~$77.43]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 75% Off!
Piano Teachers Stockholm
Piano Courses in Stockholm / Online


Piano lessons! All ages, beginner or intermediate

Teacher: Karra Sandin (Stockholm / Online)

SETeacher from Sweden. Speaks English, German, Swedish.

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Inom de första 10 lektionerna lär man sig:
- hur man sitter vid pianot
- rätt handform
- 4-6 musikstycken med en hand (båda händerna tillsammans om eleven har tränat bra).
- 1-2 vågar
-enkla ackordförlopp

Piano lessons for all ages, beginning and intermediate levels. I have masters and bachelors degrees in music performance, as well as certificates in Suzuki pedagogy from the Suzuki Association of the Americas. Although cello is my primary instrument, piano has always been important to me.

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Piano lessons for all ages, beginning and intermediate levels. I have masters and bachelors degrees in music performance, as well as certificates in Suzuki pedagogy from the Suzuki Association of the Americas. Although cello is my primary instrument, piano has always been important to me. My teachers have included Jerri Witt, Laura Melton, Ann Li and Carolyn Silva. I focus on giving my students a solid foundation so that they have the skills required for any music they want in the future.

Fantastic teacher! Very experienced, patient, friendly and attentive! I look forward to future lessons!PK, Hamburg

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Hourly rates (SEK kr / USD $)

1 studentkr700.00 [~$64.22]
2 studentskr650.00 [~$59.64]
3 students or morekr600.00 [~$55.05]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Piano Teachers Budapest
Piano Courses in Budapest / Online


Piano lessons

Teacher: Guido Roveda (Budapest / Online)

Speaks Italian, English, Hungarian

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Le lezioni saranno basare sulle esigenze dello studente, considerando il punto di partenza e i risultati che lo studente vorrebbe ottenere. Il tutto verrà stabilito in un primo colloquio.

The lessons will be based on the needs of the student, considering the starting point and the results that the student would like to obtain. Everything will be established in an initial interview.

A leckék a tanuló igényei alapján zajlanak, figyelembe véve a kiindulási pontot és a tanuló által elérni kívánt eredményeket. Minden az első interjú során kiderül.

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I don’t believe in revolutionary methods, magical approaches, learning and having fun, being able to play the music you love in a short amount of time. Learning is a long process, and varies depending on the student. It takes time, sacrifice and discipline, and the results are always proportionate compared to the effort put in the activity.


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Hourly rates (HUF Ft / USD $)

1 studentFt11,000.00 [~$28.12]
2 studentsFt11,000.00 [~$28.12]
3 students or moreFt11,000.00 [~$28.12]
Piano Courses
Trial Class 50% Off!
Piano Teachers Bordeaux
Piano Courses in Bordeaux / Online

Eveil musical

Teacher: sabine lassal (Bordeaux / Online)

Speaks French, Spanish, Italian

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Découverte des notes, rythmes, instruments....
Chants (chansons enfantines...), piano, etc

Iniziazione alla musica, scoprirai la musica, canti, suoni il pianoforte, etc, è giocoso...
Puoi stare da solo o con i tuoi amici... All' inizio, stare solo e dopo formare uno gruppo con altre bambini, o con i tuoi amici, per esempio.

Iniciación a la música. descubres la música , los instrumentos, cantas, tocas del piano, etc. Es divertido...
Puedes estar solo o con amigos... Al principio, estar solo y después, podemos hacer un grupo con otros niños o con tus amigos, por ejemplo.

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il est différent par l approche, le contenu... on s'amuse ...mais on apprend quand meme ... bref, on rigole ... c'est sérieux quand meme...
Selon le pays, j aurais des methodes éditéees dans la langue ... mais aussi d'autres que j adapterai ou saurait transmettre en traduisant... J ai beaucoup d'élèves de cultures ou nationalités différentes donc je sais m'adapter...


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Hourly rates (EUR € / USD $)

1 student€30.00 [~$30.97]
2 students€15.00 [~$15.49]
3 students or more€10.00 [~$10.32]
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The best Piano Courses with qualified teachers

  • Private and semi-private Piano classes for all levels.
  • Take your classes at home, in your office, in a coffee shop, or online.
  • Learn at your own pace: daytime, evenings, nights and weekends.
  • Our Piano Teachers personalize their courses according to your needs and objectives.

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

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* Your funds can be used for any course, with any teacher.

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