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Courses and Teachers : French
What do you like about teaching French?

I love teaching because it's an exchange, I learn a lot myself when I teach! But what I love the most is seeing my students progress and gain confidence as they learn. I love to see them start to express themselves and see the happiness and pride this gives them!

When did you decide to become an French teacher?

I decided to become a French teacher when I moved to Turkey. I really enjoy learning Turkish (even if I still have a long way to go) and it made me want to make people feel the same as I feel when I'm learning!

In your experience, what are the most common reasons for wanting to learn French?

Most of the students I had so far wanted to learn French to be able to study in a French speaking country after high school. Some of them had learned French in school, or studied in a French high school and wanted to keep progressing or practicing. And some of them wanted to learn French for fun, just for themselves. I know people learn it for work or to travel as well.

How difficult is it to learn French, compared to other languages?

I wouldn't say that French is a very difficult language to learn. It does require regular work as any other language and it make take some time for you to learn to the level you want, but if you take one thing at a time, you will get there!

How is French in France different from that of other countries?

French is a language that is spoken in a lot of different countries so there is differences between all of those countries.There's even differences between regions in France. Accents, vocabulary and expressions vary depending on countries and regions.

What aspects of French culture are your students usually interested in?

My students usually like to talk about French Food and French daily life. They have lots of questions about how things work in France. Some like to talk about French fashion or history and books or movies that they read or saw.

What's the hardest part of teaching French?

The hardest part about teaching French is to teach grammar and spelling. Not everyone understands with the same explanations, so the teaching has to be adapted to every student.

What makes a good French student?

I would say a good student is someone who is motivated and understand that learning a language can take time. It's important to know why you want to learn and what your objectives are.

What's the hardest part of learning French?

I would say the hardest part of learning French is the spelling, it can be challenging because it's not phonetic. But ultimately, the hardest part is going to be different for everyone. We don't all struggle with the same issues.

What is your advice for students who are struggling?

Don't give up, take your time, you can a small take a break if you need to but you can progress if you persevere! You need to identify why you're struggling and work on that, even if it means taking more time on something you already learned. If you struggle to conjugate, do some conjugating execersises, if you struggle with grammar, ask for more explanations.

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