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Learn English Zurich
English Courses in Zurich / Online

Business English

Teacher: Ellie Rojas-Baumann (Zurich / Online)

MXTeacher from Mexico. Speaks German, English, Italian.


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Hourly rates (CHF CHF / USD $)

1 studentCHF75.00 [~$84.59]
2 studentsCHF70.00 [~$78.95]
3 students or moreCHF65.00 [~$73.31]

Learn English

Business English

(Business English)

Course description:

Du lernst besser, weil wir alle deine persönlichen Ressourcen, Werkzeuge und Techniken nutzen, die dich ermutigen und deine Motivation für deine persönlichen Ziele beim Erlernen einer neuen Sprache, beim Fitwerden und beim Erreichen deiner Ziele steigern werden.

Aprendes mejor pues hacemos uso de todos tus recursos personales, herramientas y técnicas, que te animarán y aumentarán tu motivación hacia tus objetivos personales en el aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma, poniéndote en forma y alcanzando tus metas.

Imparate meglio perché utilizziamo tutte le vostre risorse personali, gli strumenti e le tecniche, che vi incoraggeranno e aumenteranno la vostra motivazione verso i vostri obiettivi personali nell'apprendimento di una nuova lingua, nel rimettervi in forma e nel raggiungere i vostri obiettivi.

Teaching approach:

Ich werde all meine Ressourcen und mein Wissen einsetzen, um dich zu motivieren und dir den Weg an die Spitze deines eigenen Lebens zu erleichtern.

Places where you can take this course:

English classes, Zurich

Office: Sonnenbergstrasse
Sonnenbergstrasse, 8032 Zürich, Switzerland
English classes, Zurich

A public place you suggest

English classes, Zurich

(FaceTime, WhatsApp)

Hourly rates Hourly rates:

Hourly rates per student:

1 studentCHF CHF75.00 [~USD $84.59]
2 studentsCHF CHF70.00 [~USD $78.95]
3 students or moreCHF CHF65.00 [~USD $73.31]

* Plus CHF CHF5.00 administration fee per class (per student)
* Single-class purchase fee: CHF CHF5.00 (per student)

Class duration options:

Online: 60, 90, 120 minutes

In person: 60, 90, 120, 180 minutes

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  • Tell the teacher about you or your group
  • Book your own classes
  • Learn at your own pace

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Ellie Rojas-Baumann

Country of origin: Mexico

Mother language: Spanish

Spoken languages: German, English, Italian

About the teacher

Hallo! Ich bin eine Weltreisende, eine erfahrene Sprachlehrerin und eine Expertin für Sprachen & Integrales Coaching. Meine Lehrmethode ist völlig anders als das, was du bisher gekannt hast!

"Träume nicht dein Leben, lebe deinen Traum!

Ich werde all meine Ressourcen und mein Wissen einsetzen, um dich zu motivieren und dir den Weg an die Spitze deines eigenen Lebens zu erleichtern.

Ich könnte diesen Abschnitt mit der Aufzählung all meiner Auszeichnungen, Kurse, Zertifikate, Empfehlungen usw. füllen, stattdessen möchte ich nur die atomare Energiequelle in dir wecken und dir helfen, dich selbst zu verbessern!

Hello! I am a world traveller, an experienced language teacher and an expert in Integral Coaching. My teaching method is totally different from what you have ever known!

"Don't dream your life, live your dream!

I will put all my resources and knowledge to work, to motivate you and facilitate your way to the top of your own life.

I could fill this space mentioning all my awards, courses, certificates, recommendations, etc., instead I just want to awaken the atomic source of energy inside you and help you to improve yourself!

Sono una viaggiatrice, un'esperta insegnante di lingue e un'esperta di Coaching Integrale. Il mio metodo di insegnamento è totalmente diverso da quello che avete conosciuto!

"Non sognare la tua vita, vivi il tuo sogno!

Metterò a disposizione tutte le mie risorse e le mie conoscenze per motivarvi e facilitarvi il cammino verso la vetta della vostra vita.

Potrei riempire questo spazio citando tutti i miei premi, corsi, certificati, raccomandazioni, ecc... invece voglio solo risvegliare la fonte atomica di energia dentro di te e aiutarti a migliorare te stesso!


2024 Teachers English Diplom (updated certificationl)

Deutsch Lehrerin
1999 Hamburg Universität

Spanish Certified Teacher
International House Mexico (Instituto Cervantes)

M.A. Art History and Romance Languages ​​and Literature
Hamburg University
Italian Language & Italian Literature
French Language


2009-2024 Spanish, German, English, Italian & French Teacher
Mexico, NYC, Switzerland, Germany, London, New Zealand
2019. Life and Strategy Coach,

Courses by this teacher:

Learn Spanish: Business Spanish

Learn German: Deutsch für Ausländer

Learn English: Business English

Learn English: IELTS - 'Int. English Language Testing System'


Learn Italian: Italienisch

How does it work?

  • Step 1

    Register for the course of your choice

    • Tell the teacher about you or your group
    • Choose a location from the proposed list
  • Step 2

    Add funds to your account

    • Use a credit card or PayPal to add money to your account
    • Your money can be used for any course, with any teacher
  • Step 3

    Book your classes!

    • Use the course calendar to book your own classes
    • Attend your classes and start learning!

Interested in this course?

  • Tell the teacher about you or your group
  • Book your own classes
  • Learn at your own pace

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English Courses in Zurich >

Payment methods

Pay with a credit card or with PayPal